Auto-Scroll to Selected Song After Sorting Column

Currently, when a song is selected in the library and I sort by a column (e.g., BPM, key), the selected song remains highlighted but the view jumps to the top of the list. This forces me to scroll through the library to relocate the selected song every time I sort.

It would be incredibly helpful if Djay Pro AI could automatically keep the selected song in view after sorting, similar to how Rekordbox handles this feature. This small change would save DJs time and reduce the frustration of hunting for a selected song during a set.

Also, double sorting of columns like BPM, and Key would be amazing with a shift click… I know serato does this.

Thank you for considering this request, and thank you for all your hard work on such an amazing app!

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Library Listing Issue when Sort on Column

Merged with existing topic: Library Listing Issue when Sort on Column