Beatsource tracks being switched to Tidal when added to My Music

Hello everyone. This is what the engineering team has to say:

This occurs when the user has played the same track in multiple streaming services that they are both still logged into. When resolving the tracks in My Collection, djay will attempt to get a valid track/reference from any currently available origin source. So, this essentially boils down to the streaming service that responds the fastest with a result. TIDAL typically has a much faster API than Beatport, so TIDAL will typically win.

So, unfortunately the user will either have to pick a preferred source and logout of the other or DJ from the specific source e.g. Tidal or Beatport.

Hi, sorry, I don’t think this is a satisfying solution. The easy way to fix this would be stick with whatever resolution has been applied already, and not change it when dragging e.g. from queue or search results to playlists. I’d be happy to provide a video replicating the bug or any other materials that could help resolving this.

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Hi @feierlaune, thanks for the follow up. I’ll forward this to engineering to see what they think.

@feierlaune Now that it’s been explained, I don’t understand why you’re still calling it a bug.

When a track is loaded, the software is simply grabbing from the quickest service. Where’s the problem?

Surely that’s a good thing from a DJ perspective.

I have playlists in VirtualDJ of tracks from a service I no longer subscribe to. If I load a track, rather than fail, it loads from any available service.

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Hi again @feierlaune, engineering is asking if you can please capture a video of the issue, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

The main problem is that the different services come with different restrictions. For instance, Apple Music does not allow stem separation, and Tidal tracks cannot be together with tracks from other streaming services in “My collection” playlists. Trust me, it leads to all kinds of weird dead ends and glitches.


Thanks for taking care of this!

You can see a video of the behavior in action here.

You can observe that I search for the track on Apple Music, add it to the Queue and it suddenly has source Tidal and if I add it to the playlist, it becomes Soundcloud. :man_shrugging:

You’re welcome. Thanks for the video @feierlaune. I’ve passed this onto the engineering team.

Actually, it’s not a good thing from a DJ perspective. I think you, me, and the engineers at Algoriddim can agree that when DJ’s are loading tracks, they want that exact track, not whichever of 3 or 4 versions of a track can load up the fastest. If I’ve put in the time to put all my cue points in on a track on Beatsource before adding it to My Collection, why would I ever want it to load the Tidal version of the song that doesn’t have my cue points? Because it’ll be half a second faster? That’s just poor design, aka, a bug.

I’m glad you’re happy with Virtual DJ’s solution, but I can see that being problematic for the same reasons. At the very least, you should be prompted by the software with some from of, “This track is missing as you are signed out of this streaming service. Would you like to sign in or pull this track from another streaming service?” And then probably an option “remember this preference” or make it just a one time thing for the track.


Yes, creating playlists has become a nightmare for me at this point. About 10 or 15 songs into making a playlist, it will inevitably misidentify a track as being from Tidal (if I’ve only used non-Tidal) or vice versa, and then the playlist is essentially locked from adding anymore songs.

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Just a reminder, I submitted a video for this already back in February.

Along with this glitch, I’m also noticing my app performance is noticeably slower. When I go to analyze multiple tracks at one, it only does them one at a time and they take quite a while. I used to be able to have 7 or 8 tracks being analyzed simultaneously and it could get through a dozens of tracks in just a few seconds.

At this point, I’m wondering if uninstalling and reinstalling the app would help. Is there a list of directions to do this where I can preserve My Collection and all the metatags (BPMs, Folders/Playlists, Cue Points, Etc.) so I don’t have to start from scratch?

I’ve never found it to be an issue, but then I don’t set cue points and I also only use one streaming service.

I imagine that if I did set cue points (in VDJ) they’d be stored in the database, so would be independent of where a track was sourced. I can’t confirm if DJay works the same way.

I’d suggest that if you don’t want tracks from Tidal to load, then sign out of Tidal.

Then, repectfully, we have two entirely different use cases and I’m not sure you’ll be able to offer helpful input on this issue.

They would be stored in the database, but the cue points would be linked to the exact track from that exact streaming source. Which is how it works in Djay. If I set cue points on “Party Up” in Tidal, they do not get applied to the same track in Beatsource, and vice versa.

That would defeat the whole purpose and is a non-solution. Also worth pointing out, this is a big reason I’m sticking with Djay and not switching to Serato, as Serato forces you to choose only one streaming platform at a time.

Tidal has tracks that Beatsource doesn’t have and vice versa. As a mobile/wedding DJ, I want the largest possible music catalogue I can get, and having access to to tracks from both those streaming platforms (which both allow for stem separation / Neural Mix, unlike Apple Music) at once is the best, most cost effective option.

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I’m an open format DJ too, and I’ve never had an issue with using just one streaming service. Also, nobody’s forcing anyone to use stem separation, so I don’t think that matters when choosing a provider.

Nobody that’s booked me has ever said they’ll only do so if I use stem separation :smiley:

  1. I did already send your video to the engineering team, but have reminded them of it along with Feierlaune’s new video. Thanks for the reminder.
  2. The dev team made an intentional change to the track analysis a few releases ago so that it now does one track at a time. Several users were experiencing issues with the previous multi-track analysis method.
  3. If you still want to uninstall and reinstall, let me know and I can provide some guidance.

Thank you for the clarification!

It’s a shame that multi-track analysis wasn’t kept as an option as I never had issues using it and upgraded to a laptop with a more powerful processor recently.

The app definitely has seemed to be running slower on my laptop after the past update or two. The Waveforms and music playback has been fine, but navigating the library (either in my collection or from a streaming source) has been very laggy and the crossfader has had quite a bit of lag and choppiness (sometimes missing whole cuts) when using my controller. At this point, a reinstall couldn’t hurt. If you could provide guidance for how to reinstall without losing my data from My Collection (track BPMs, folder/playlists, cue points, etc.), it would be much appreciated.

@DJ_Hooded_Wolf, djay stores your My Collection Playlists, Hot Cues, Saved Loops and other data in the djay Media Library database. I personally, make regular backups of this database to the cloud or an external drive.

  1. On macOS you can find this database here:
  2. On Windows:
  3. On iOS, use the Files App and navigate to On My iPhone/iPad>djay>User Data

Like I said, I think we have very different use cases. I work with a wide variety of clients with a wide variety of musical tastes. So without fail, every gig, there’s always a few requested tracks that are only on one streaming service or the other. This is especially true with clean or radio edits of certain tracks.

I’m not surprised nobody who has booked you asked if you use stem separation, as most if not all clients wouldn’t even know what that is. However, It’s becoming increasingly popular amongst DJ’s to use it, and I use it heavily in my style of mixing, so I feel it let’s me do my best and most creative mixing. If you don’t use it, it obviously wouldn’t matter if it’s enabled or not. As I keep saying with every reply, I gather that we have two very different use cases for this software and I’m not sure how helpful your input is.

Speaking of which, didn’t you say earlier you use VirtualDJ and not Djay? So, what exactly are you adding to the conversation, except for constantly implying @feierlaune and I should just quit complaining?

No I didn’t say “I don’t use DJay Pro”. Why would I be here if I wasn’t a user?

As previously stated, I’m an open format DJ so exactly the same scenario - “wide variety” of clients, ages, genres required etc. Maybe we differ in that I do not rely heavily on streaming services.

I have an extensive collection of my own music collected since the 70s. I also liaise with clients in advance to ascertain what music is required, and ensure that I have any essentials before the event.

At the end of the day it comes down to this - there’s no law that says a DJ must play everything requested.

My point re stems is that DJs now often use that as a reason why they do/don’t use a service, when it’s not really going to impact the client.

I do use stem separation myself sometimes, but as with streaming services, I have been DJing for decades without stems, so it’s not something that would restrict me if I can’t do it.

Hey @PKtheDJ and @DJ_Hooded_Wolf, it seems like your discussion is moving off topic. I’d like to suggest that you guys create a new topic if you want to continue this conversation, so we can keep this one focused on the Tidal/Beatport issue. Thanks!

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