šŸ“£ Beta access to the all-new djay Pro AI for Windows

Ok, been testing it for several hours and here are my comments.

The improvement with the previous version of PC is just crazy good BUT they are still many things to be done to be closer to serato.

First the good things
Asio support !!!
More mappings like on IOS/Mac os
filter noise controls and multiple EQ profiles.
Horizontal waveforms can be placed above!!!

Thins to improve

Able to personalise the effects. A flanger with 4 beats doesnā€™t make any sense!!!
By default deactivating Autogain and limiter. This does kill the sound. Reduce the gain buttons if requierd.
Minutes markers!!!. This is so useful on the long track visualisation.
Master tempo sound quality, please add this as a paid pack like with Serato but i cannot use Djay pro on a party with such a poor master tempo quality.
Some mappings, the Mixtrack pro fx has a poor mappings, there are no 8 Cue buttons and many things are missing.
Neural mix quality should be also improved, i donā€™t use it neither on Serato but for those who are interested, that is clearly something to do.

So i think i will buy the pc version as for my home mixing, i prefer to be able to use a good soundcard instead of the crappy internal soundcard but i wonā€™t be using it for public performances due to the points mentionned above.

So this is really going into the good direction, that is for sure.

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Hello, May I ask where the Video mixing function is in the Windows (beta) version? The MacBook version has this, but I cannot seem to find it in the Windows version?? Would really like this to be added just as the AI version for Mac. Thnx

The only question - when the official version for Windows :heart:

First off, Iā€™ve been playing around with Pro AI Beta on Windows and it is a MASSIVE improvement on the DJay Pro app for Windows so well done, and thanks!
However today Iā€™m getting a message ā€œBeta expired Get the offical release todayā€ but when I click on the link it takes me to the Beta page in the Microsoft store. As far as I can see there is no Pro AI Windows version available on the Algoriddim site. Very frustrating because I wanted to do some mixing today and going back to old DJay Pro for Windows is, well depressing! :frowning:

Same issue as SupaStevie. IF you are telling us to get the released version then you need to update the non beta version in the store so that those of us that have the original store app will get the update.
Please fix this ASAP The release date of the current non-beta app is may 2016 in the store.

@SupaStevie and @SingZout the Windows beta of djay Pro AI is still working on my laptop running Windows 10 Pro. Can you please confirm what version of Windows you are using? Did you recently update it?

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@JvS I looked through all of the settings and couldnā€™t find Video Mixing in the Windows Beta either. Hopefully it will be present in the full release.

I wrote to Algoriddim and I got an email back this morning saying the ā€œBeta expiredā€ message was incorrect in the Windows version and that if I went back to the Microsoft store today I would find an updated version of the Beta without the message which would still be usable. They added apologies for the inconvenience etc I didnā€™t get a chance to try that yet though


@SupaStevie okay great. Thanks for the update.

SALVE HO INSTALLATO LA VERSIONE DI DJAY AI WUNDOWS Lā€™HO USATO PER UN GIORNO E STAMATTINA HO RIAPERTO Lā€™APPLICAZIONE E MI DA QUWSTO MESSAGGIO E NON POSSO FARE NIENTE : Si prega di segnalare eventuali feedback facendo clic sul pulsante ā€œInvia feedbackā€ nellā€™app o scrivendo a beta@algoriddim.com.

Italian Translation:
HELLO I INSTALLED THE VERSION OF DJAY ON WUNDOWS I USED IT FOR A DAY AND THIS MORNING I REOPENED THE APPLICATION AND IT GIVES ME THIS MESSAGE AND I CANā€™T DO ANYTHING: Please report any feedback by clicking on the ā€œSend feedbackā€ button in the app or by writing to beta@algoriddim.com.

HI @Andrea_Grandoni,

Please note that the beta version of djay Pro for Windows is no longer active. Have you tried downloading the latest version of djay from the Microsoft App Store?

I will include the link down below.

Have a nice day!


Hi Algoriddim staff,
I use Djay Pro AI with my Macbook but I plan on also using the Windows version with a laptop. Does my subscription cover both versions of Djay or only the Mac version I am currently using? Also how many Djay installs can I have at same time (ex: do I have to uninstall my Mac version if I want to install Djay on my Ipad without paying twice?)

@DOX29 the djay Pro AI subscription for macOS will work across iOS devices using the same Apple ID, however, the Windows djay Pro subscription is separate.

Where can I sign up to test the iPad os and Mac betas? I mainly use iPads for events. But I have m1 and intel MacBooks I can test.

OK thanks.I will stick with iOS than and buy a new iPad. Will just wait to see if 5.0 update requires an M1 or M2 chip before ebuying the iPad. Thanks.
-------- Message dā€™origine --------De : Slak Jaw via Algoriddim Community Forums no-reply@algoriddim.com Date : 2023-11-25 09 h 58 (GMT-05:00) ƀ : dox29@sympatico.ca Objet : [Algoriddim Community Forums] [General Discussion] :mega: Beta access to the all-new djay Pro AI for Windows

      Algoriddim Staff
    November 25

@DOX29 the djay Pro AI subscription for macOS will work across iOS devices using the same Apple ID, however, the Windows djay Pro subscription is separate.

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How did you import your media library and cue points from IOS to Windows?

@Kaiden_Parkin this is not officially supported by Algorddim at this time. Personally, I was only able to achieve this once during the Windows Beta by renaming the macOS file extension to match the Windows one. This is no longer working for me though so I would not recommend attempting it yourself either.

Hello! i use a win11 desktop for games. i have connected multiple monitors. it would be interesting if certain functions, such as the looper, can be separated from the main image so that I can move the looper to another monitor and open it with all functions. I would like to control the looper separately with a midi device (ex. Akai APC Mini MK2). the mixer and everything else should remain on the main monitor for BUDDY controller.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Suggestions for Windows version of djay