recently i discover a problem during import folders from the iOS file manager.
It’s not possible to scroll inside the import window. If I scroll up or down it jumps back everytime to the place where it was. Therefore I can’t choose the right folder or file.
I hope you can solve this issue
Hey Raffaele
Thank you for your reply on this topic. I was thinking I’m alone with this.
As I didn’t get any any massage here from @Algoriddim I think it’s time to ask one of the mods directly.
At the moment there is only one possible solution in my mind…reinstall the app , but I really don’t want to loose all my edits on the grits (which was the hell of work), either I didn’t want to loose all my cue-/loop points.
I really hope for a feedback now that I’m not alone with this problem.
As you see, I’m using dated categories, as I only have one genre I’m mixing right now, so it’s possible for me to use the last folder I create to get my music inside the playlist. I can’t imagine how bad this problem is if you have to create new folders inside the files app, but you can’t reach them from the app because of this bug
Hi @Lukas_E or @Emily , have you noticed our Bug report? Would be great if you send it to your developer team to investigate and please leave us a massage here so we are know that the team is working on this
We were inspecting the issue and this occurs to be a system issue as the pop up is provided by the system itself.
In order to get this fixed, we suggest updating to iOS 14 and hope that this sorts out the problem.
Thanks for your answer. I really hope it will solve the issue, but as iOS 14 has produce many problems for iOS musicians I have to wait with the update until 14.2. I can’t take the risk to have problems with all my other apps. I will come back to this if the problem still exists after the update