Can we have phrase analysis?

I read a topic from 2016 asking for phrase analisis and explaining how to implement the feature but never made it to the actual software.
Maybe it was difficult 8 years ago and I can understand it but I think I could be possible now


Thanks for the suggestion @Alessandro_Barto! I’ve shared this with the dev team for consideration.

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I like this suggestion as well.

RekordBox has this Frase Analysis already in it since RB version 5.1.0. and it looks just fine!

You can see a demo here:

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Can be also very useful for driving Lights. Check how Rekordbox do it and would be great if you can implement this feature.

could you explain this a bit more?

What are the ‘driving lights’ doing in RB?

Rekordbox integrate features for driving lights through the DMX port on the Pioneer DJ DDJ-FLX10 controller or through an external interface. Begin/end of phrases in the tracks can be used for changing the lights.
If Djay Pro integrate such feature, i can imagine that the DMX output can also be handled on a separate interface connected to the computer through the USB port or Lan/Wifi, so doesn’t matter which DJ controller is used. That make sense.

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Rekordbox Lightning use with DDJ FLX10

I have to say, this is an awesome feature of Rekordbox that I only stumbled across today…

This guy explains well, how they can be used to quickly identify phrases, and their lengths, to enable him to find the perfect position to start and end his mix.

When I was watching the video, I was surprised it wasn’t already a feature on Djay Pro.

This feature really should be added ASAP as I fear it’s been overlooked.

Do you know if anything similar is on the horizon for Djay Pro @Slak_Jaw

Hi @Stuart_Burton, thanks for the additional input and video. I have passed this onto the dev team for further consideration.

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Thank you @Slak_Jaw
Much appreciated.

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No problem @Stuart_Burton. You’re welcome.

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