Could not load track Spotify session not available. Please check your internet connection

It’s 2020 I haven’t used Djay for a while but it was fun when I did use it , so I finally got it to work guys by doing one simple thing I deleted my stored data for djay in my iCloud account then I logged out of iCloud logged back in and then proceeded with the djay Spotify setup , also another problem I was causing for myself was I used Facebook as my log in and had forgot that info , once it logs in the app and Spotify work perfectly and very fluid I loved it so much I started beta testing and forgot to reply to this post until recently, just stick with it log out clear cache log back in and it will eventually begin to work

I get this sometimes as well

ME TOO! Same Problem.


Boa noite galera eu estou vivendo este problema eu comprei a licença tenho a versão Premium do Spotify comprei todos os efeitos e não consegui ter acesso ao Spotify minha internet está perfeita mais eu não consigo acessar a minha lista no Spotify isso acontece neste exato momento em que eu mais preciso para tocar .se alguém tiver alguma dica me enviar por favor obrigado a todos…

I might log out/in to spotify as suggested but I afraid of losing all set and saved cue points on abt 3,000 songs, which would be a disaster. can anyone assure me please?

it started to happen abt a week ago, without any change from my side

How’s that going? Because that was 3 years ago and it’s still happening!

Hi Everyone, 

Thanks for your patience. We’ve been updated that this issue on Spotify’s side has been fixed and Spotify should now be working properly again in djay. Could you please try the following steps and keep us posted if any issues persist:

  1. Log out of Spotify in djay by going to Settings => Library => Log out of Spotify.
  2. Close djay.
  3. Restart your device.
  4. Open djay.
  5. Log in to Spotify in djay with your Spotify Premium account.

It is 2020 and this is happening to me. I have premium Spotify, internet connection is fine (4g), but Spotify refuses to load any songs into djay 2. It’s not just sometimes, I permanently get this message. Do you need to be on WiFi? I don’t have broadband and use my mobile for all my internet data. If so, can this be turned off?

Thanks for the reply Emily. I have just done this but still getting the session error.

Good to know that I’m not alone…  Hey Tidal… HERE I COME!!

happening to me too. UGH. i’m practicing for a party this weekend please help! tried logging out and logging back in, not working…i’ll be screwed if this happens on saturday

yeah i ended up migrating my playlists to soundcloud and switching to recordbox. even if this is fixed i can’t take the chance that this happens again during a real set. bye bye djay pro.

same here. It started happening about an hour ago or so. wtf!

Too bad that Spotify/Djay partnership is ending this year July 1st. We won’t be able to use Spotify as our library. It would need to be Tidal or SoundCloud. What a bummer!
I am gonna have to jump to serato as I don’t plan to use Tidal or SoundCloud

Yuppp same. apparently problems with Spotify server. Wait a day or 2 is all we can do

WTF is going on? Same thing here

Same thing here

same here. It almost feels as if spotify revoked djay pro privileges early or something is going on with their connection.