Could not load track. The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 2003334207.)

  • Device model: MacBook Pro 16" Nov 2023
  • Version of operating system: Sonoma 14.4
  • Version of djay: 5.1.3
  • Hardware/controllers used: None

Summary of the issue:

I try to load a track from the local ‘Music’ (formerly iTunes) library and I get the error

Could not load track.
The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 2003334207.)

This happens to several tracks, and I can’t tell why. I have purchased the tracks, so it is not a question of DRM. Sometime I delete and re-download tracks, and it still happens.I have refreshed the library, played the same tracks on Apple Music, all to no avail.

I have observed that sometimes the same track will load and play on djay for iPadOS. What is going on? I know this error had been reported several times years ago, but there is no solution for my system and current version of djay. Strangely, there is no mention of it in the official Algoriddim support pages.

I am looking for some acknowledgment and help from Algoriddim primarily, but also from other people who know anything about what is happening and how I might deal with it.

How to reproduce the issue:

Find a track in a playlist or search for a track, then either double-click or drag to the turntable to load. djay gives the error shown above.

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According to a ten year old thread on here, it seems to be something to do with syncing between Apple devices.

Hi @Nifty, thanks for sharing this. To help us investigate this further, can you please send some of the tracks you’re having issues with to our Dropbox account: Dropbox

Please title these files as: [Song] + [Your Username] so we can track which discussion these are related to. Thanks!

Hi @Nifty, I’m just following up on this to see if you’re still having issues. As requested above, can you please send some of the tracks you’re having issues with to the link Dropbox account above? Thanks!

Hi @Slak_Jaw, thank you very much for trying to help out, and apologies for my delay in getting back to you. I am still having issues, but I’ve been trying things out. What Ive found is that the files that are unreliable are HLS filetypes. Most of the time, they will not load on a deck, on occasion, for some unknown reason, one will play. This is why I did not send you the files, because there was a little inconsistency. But now I can tell you that, so far, it is HLS files that greatly misbehave in djay. Why is this? Does djay not play well with HLS? These are files that I have bought, should have no DRM, and are downloaded on my drive. If you still want some examples, let me know. Otherwise, I would be interested in your thoughts. One workaround I can image is to find a way to redownload those files as another file format …

I’ve never heard of HLS so I Googled.

I think you ought to read this:

Thanks for that @PKtheDJ

Since my last post, I have found that HLS is actually a package format, not a single file. I deleted all my HLS downloads and redownloaded to AAC. Now they work in djay.


Thanks for the update @Nifty and thanks for the link @PKtheDJ. Glad that fixed your issue.

Hi - I am having the same problem - these are files that I downloaded from Beatport that it seems to be hapening to… interestingly the apple music app on my ipad won’t even play them (no error here they just skip on to the same track).

These tracks have been on my PC in itunes for years and play fine in rekordbox and in iTunes on my PC…
How do I find out if hey have been HLSed?
There is nothing i iTunes suggesting they have:

Hi @DJ_Dubious, your screenshot seems to suggest that the file is MP3 format, so I can’t see why it shouldn’t play, unless iTunes and djay don’t support the 320 kbps bitrate, or it has somehow been otherwise corrupted.

If you have access to your Beatport account, can you redownload as AIFF or WAV format and try playing those?

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