Crashes with 5.2.2/5.2.3

I’ve been experiencing increased system crashes since the 5.2.2/5.2.3 update, sometimes as soon as 30 minutes after starting. This often occurs when I’m loading a new track. It happens with and without a controller (Reloop Mixon 8). I’m using the new iPad Air 13" with the latest iOS software. I’ve also been having similar issues recently with my 2021 iPad, which was stable before the update. What else can I do? I urgently need help, as I can’t work with it like this and I have a DJ gig in 2 weeks.

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Hi @Jennidarfdas, sorry to hear you’re experiencing this issue. I moved this to its own topic so we can track the discussion more closely.

To help us troubleshoot your crash, please submit an Official Support Ticket using the procedure below so the engineering team can review your crash reports in more detail.

  1. Open the djay app on your device.
  2. Navigate to Settings>Contact Support.
  3. Fill out the submission form and title your email “ATTN: MARIE – “The Title of your Community Topic” in the provided subject line.

As I won’t have access to your crash report, I’ll consider this community topic closed for now and let the official support team take over from here. However, feel free to share any other details about your crash here that you think will be helpful in diagnosing the issue. Thanks!

I’m experiencing this too.
Ipad 9th gen, ios 17.6.1, djay 5.2.3 no controller.
I have already submitted a crash report via the support page but should I also send to Marie ref: this topic?
BTW the contact support option within the app takes you to feedback not support.

Thanks for the info @daniel_curley. No need to send a second email. Support and Feedback are the same.