Crashing when adding songs in auto mix

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  • Device model 2021 ipad M1
  • Version of operating system lastest
  • Version of djay 5.2.3latest
  • Hardware/controllers used Hercules mini mixer

I use the auto mix at the beginning of the night if quiet , last night I was in normal 2 deck screen mode but with auto mix on , when dragging and dragging and dropping new tracks ( whilst playing songs ) into the auto mix queue from tidal the app sometime crashes. This happened at least 3-4 time so gave up in the end as it was far to unstable.

Is there a way to send the crash logs ? I can’t seem to see any other reports of this bug, but certainly was there last night.

Thanks :pray:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: 5.2.3 crashed 2 times when searching for songs

Merged with existing topic: 5.2.3 crashed 2 times when searching for songs