DDJ-FLX10 Compatibility

Please understand that we develop our software across macOS, iOS, iPadOS, visionOS, Windows, Windows ARM, and Android. I don’t believe the other companies you are referring to develop across all of these platforms. This creates a complex environment with a lot of unique variables. So, it’s possible that unexpected issues can arise based on specific user setups. Rest assured that our entire team works hard to address any of these issues as soon as they are recognized and as quickly as possible.


Ok, thank you for taking the time to respond

You’re welcome @djboom369


Is it possible to join the Beta team? We all can help the dev. Team. We all are interessting in a perfect working software.


Hi @DJKamyR,

To add onto what @Slak_Jaw shared in his previous responses, development takes time and during that process there may be edge cases in which a single user experiences unexpected behavior as opposed to the majority. Even if the majority is quiet due to the mapping of said controller working as intended.

For these edge cases, we need as much information as possible to investigate and dissect the issue you are having so that it does not happen to someone else.

Your passion for djay and willingness to share thoughts in our community is extremely valuable which is why we try and get the most out of user integration when developing.

Every so often we do open our beta program to select few in the public and we encourage you to check back in with us via the submit a request form on our support page for further information.

Thank you very much for your ongoing support.

Big thanks to @Slak_Jaw for providing a positive perspective as well.


A post was merged into an existing topic: DDJ-FLX10 Hardware FX

Hello everyone! I have noticed several specific questions being asked in this generic FLX10 Compatibility topic. It is easy for these things to get lost in this large generic thread. It makes it difficult to keep the conversation organized and to properly track your question or issue.

So, please first use the search tool to see if there is already a topic closely related to your question/issue, and if one doesn’t exist, please create a new topic for it. This will make things a lot easier for everyone. Thanks for your help :smiley:


Hi, @Slak_Jaw . I also had this ticket-reported on July 2nd. What happens to the ticket? no response till now.

ticket [#200578]

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Thanks for the bump @DJKamyR. I’ll pass this onto the official support team and ask them to follow up. Please note, that the support team has been very busy answering questions since the 5.2 release. Thanks for understanding!

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Thank you for your Support

You’re welcome @DJKamyR . Happy to help!

Hi again @DJKamyR, I spoke with our official support team and they saw that you were being helped here in the Community so they did not pursue this ticket further. Is there anything in this ticket that you feel is not being addressed here? Thanks!

A post was merged into an existing topic: DDJ-FLX10 Hardware FX

A post was merged into an existing topic: DDJ-FLX10 Hardware FX

Is the FLX10 supposed to work with the ipad version of djay? its says flx10 is there but its not mapping anything…

Hi @Erphun, yes the FLX10 is supported on iOS.

  1. Are you running the latest FLX10 firmware from the Pioneer website?
  2. How exactly are you connecting your iOS device to the FLX10?
  3. Can you please provide specific details about your setup?

Device Model (ex. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen):
Version of operating system (ex. iOS 17.3.1):
Version of djay (ex. 5.1.3):
Hardware/controllers used (ex. Reloop Ready):
Hardware Firmware Version:

Please also try closing djay, disconnecting all cables from your iOS device and following the procedure linked below to perform a Forced Restart of your iOS device:

  1. iPhone: Force restart iPhone - Apple Support
  2. iPad: Force restart iPad - Apple Support


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A post was merged into an existing topic: EQ Resetting when using Neural Mix CFX

Some of FLX-10’s parameters are still LOCKED with last update ( 5.21 ) unfortunately.
Really crossing my fingers to see this particular issue addressed someday :four_leaf_clover:
Beat FX is unusable as it is and i need those assignable parameters back in my life


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Hi @Black, can you please try to capture a video of the specific parameters that are locked along with your issues with Beat FX, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? This will help to clearly communicate things to the dev team. Thanks!

Hi Slak_Jaw, thanks for answering,
I’ll do a short footage asap.
My issue is simple:

Since 5.2, some knobs are inaccessible in midi configuration:
in midi configuration they don’t show up when toggling them on FLX-10.
Here’s the list of locked/unavailable knobs in midi conf:
All 6 Sound color FX
All 4 Color rotary knobs
FX Part Select
BEAT Auto & tap
LEVEL/DEPTH Rotary knob
Release FX

I just want to be able to RE-Assign them to functions i like better… like i do here with V.5.17

Thank you :grinning: