DDJ-FLX10 Compatibility

:ok_hand: Toys for rich snots…. unnecessary

However, the team IS working hard behind the scenes and we hope to have some news to share soon…

I highly doubt that they’re working “hard” at all on this integration, as if they were they would’ve had this completed months ago, not still “working” on it and coming up with vague “more updates to come soon” responses for months now…

Let’s be real - they’re not working on this, as if they were they would’ve been able to get this sorted out in a few days, week tops.

So if anything, some of us would appreciate you guys at least being honest about your responses here and tell us the truth - “We’ll get to this whenever we feel like, and unfortunately that time is not now. Will keep you posted when. Don’t keep your hopes up though because we’ve got our priorities in something else instead.”

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I think the only thing that will help is if we flx10 users all cancel our subscriptions so that they finally do something.

Let’s vote on who’s in.


The last few replies in this thread don’t seem interested in a meaningful conversation anymore and are instead focused on venting frustrations of users. I don’t think this is going to help us collectively, especially not the posts that are doubting the honesty of Algoriddim responses. Let’s stay patient, I’m sure there will be news soon.


Not sure additional ‘pressure’ will help at this point. I think they got the message and they want to make sure they get it right… :slight_smile:


I agree and also I would imagine the dev team are also developing other areas of djay pro not only hardware integrations. With each passing day the closer it gets. Also people have bought a hardware device that isn’t integrated yet with djay pro. Who’s really to blame for that? Some where down the line we have to take personal responsibility as well, rather than make demands. As Take That would say “ have a little patience” :sunglasses::pray::sunglasses:


Just bought an flx10 and this is the best i found
At least it does the basics
Thanks man

One Year ago. Is there still a chance for the FLX10 on IOS on IPad ?


my FLX10 mapping work on IOS and latest USB-C IPAD


Great! You are the Best! It Works :hugs:

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Following this thread here. I, too, bought the ddj-flx10 after looking at many 4-ch controllers. I’m just in love with the layout, lightweight, and features—but…damn… the lack of compatibility with day pro (come on Jog Wheel!!)

I hope they update the software to allow this community to complete the custom mappings. if this doesn’t happen—has anybody made the switch to Rekordbox? can they compare (the stems especially) ??

@Tam the Stem seperation is very bad at recordbox. You can use Virtual DJ or Serato.

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Stems quality :slight_smile:

  1. DJAY pro 5 on Silicon M1/M2/M3/M4 … mac (not on MAC/PC intel)
  2. Virtual DJ on Silicon MAC or PC gamer with NVIDIA for STEMS 2.0

the worst :slight_smile:

  1. Serato
  2. Rekordbox 7.0.1

my DJAY FLX10 custom mapping wotk with jog… and stems and double STEMS…
just the FX and display section impossible to do HID and master FX / CFX color are missing in DJAY.

hope they will do a full FLX10 mapping with all FLX10 native FX emulated like Serato and VirtualDJ emulate CFX and Beat FX. + HID display




Я даже в России жду возможности купить подписку вашего AI и работать с FLX10 на iPad. На данный момент приходится использовать rekordbox

Does it charge the USB C IPad ?

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HMMMMM, but i find DeutschePost DHL is super fast! Are you sure about this statement ? :slight_smile:

Do we have any updates at all on the DDJ-FLX10 compatibility?
I know allot of people are interested in this that have not made accounts to make a comment or vote but are actively monitoring this thread. Are we able to know if its at least in the process of being released in a future update ?
Thank you.

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NOTE: Please use the search function above before posting to avoid creating duplicate topics.

  • Device model (e.g. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen):
  • Version of operating system (e.g. macOS 14.4.1):
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.1.2):
  • Hardware/controllers used (e.g. Reloop Mixon 8 Pro):

Your question/suggestion/feedback:
Can we please move forward with this update the summer is hear proms ,weddings etc .I have Serato but id rather use DJ Pro AI come on giys the FlX 10 been out almost 2 years and you dont jave compatibility yet? Come on guys

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uhhh, might you be so kind as to describe how you believe djay to be “behind”?


Nice software but not compaible with lots of controllers especially FLX10