DDJ-FLX4 not recognised in DJay Pro

I upgraded to the DDJ-FLX4 from my DDJ-SB3. Here’s my setup:

  • Djay Pro 5.2.7 running on iPad Air 3rd generation
  • 25W charger into the FLX4 via USB-C to USB-C
  • USB-C (FLX4) to Lightning at the iPad

This setup works.

Now I want to use the Apple lightning to digtal AV adapter (charge the iPad, HDMI out (external monitor) and USB-A to USB-C (to controller). This worked beautifully on the DDJ-SB3 but doesn’t work on the FLX4.

I have seen this post DDJ-FLX4 MIDI Map (Unofficial) - #23 by Michael_Wisniewski where @Michael_Wisniewski doesn’t recommend the Apple camera connection kit (the post is closed). Not sure this is related but withouth an external monitor the FLX4 is useless to me.

Is anyone using the FLX4 on an iPad with external monitor? What’s your setup?

A post was merged into an existing topic: FLX4 will not connect via Camera Adapter

Merged with existing topic: DDJ FLX4 not connecting via Camera Adapter to iPad