Denon Prime Go Jogwheels Mapping

Hi @Toorg,

Thanks for the question.

Some controllers require special updates (usually firmware wise) in which they become generally compatible with apps such as djay. Please note that general compatibility is different than native in-app support.

From there we make test to see that the controller is mapped correctly, behaves as intended, etc.

Finally, we will then publicly state whether or not the controller is natively supported in djay on our DJ Gear page.

Hi @Alex_Soufiah,

May I ask what version of djay for iOS you are currently running?


Any update on the denon prime go ??


thanks to his post, i’ve just tried the same midi settings for the Prime Go jogwheels and it works!!!
find the post here from Kyleawayan:


please please please we beg you support my Denon SC Live 4 and Denon Prime GO - I also have Denon MC7000 which works flawlesly but is too big for me to carry around as im 56yrs old :frowning:

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The best mapping that I am aware of for Prime Go at the moment:

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I’ve wanted a Prime Go since the day I saw one but remain hesitant due to lack of native support.
I not willing to consider using any other software but djay, on my ipad too.
Can anybody please share if this hardware/software combination with custom mapping is acheivable to a satisfactory and usable level at semi-pro.
If so a few pros and cons would be fab.

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How much longer?
With little to no XML experience I created [PrimeGo djGeronimo2.1.djay MidiMapping| in a an hour.
Cannot comprehend how a team of developers cannot give us even a beta file?
Please team Algoriddim, give us something!

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I picked up a Prime Go yesterday and with the help of Dj Geronimo’s map, I was able to map it just about perfectly, well at least exactly how I wanted it to be, Except the use of the screen, That would be a huge step.

Just about every button was mappable,
The only thing I couldn’t map (Well I didn’t really have the need) was the Roll and Loop functions.
Geronimo’s map on my iPad Air had weird jog wheels in scratch mode, basically it would speed up the track a 100 miles an hour if I tried to scratch,
I have since corrected that issue.

List of things that I mapped, (To my liking)

Cue button Cue 1
The 4 Hotcues become Cues 2,3,4,5 (I only need 5 Cues max in my tracks)
Hot Cue button = Mute Neural Drums
Loop Button = Mute Neural Harmony
Roll Button = Mute Neural Vocal
Bank = Access to 4 Instant FXs
(The above list are for both decks)
FX Select = Toggle different FX’s for FX 2 (I always have FX1 fixed on Echo)
FX Time Parameter = FX 1,2,3 FX duration (This is for both decks 1 & 2)
Wet/Dry = Wet/Dry for all FX’s also for Decks 1 & 2
On Button (Located under FX Select dial) Toggle Recording On/Off
Assign 1 = Toggle Neural Mix/Eq dials Deck 1
Assign 2 = Toggle Neural Mix/Eq dials Deck 2
Gain Level Deck 1 = Filter Effect Deck 1
Gain Level Deck 2 = Filter Effect Deck 2
Sweep FX Deck 1 = Gain Deck 1 (I like the idea of the Gain dials above the channel Faders)
Sweep FX Deck 2 = Gain Deck 2
A Button = Select FX1 (These are also mirrored for both decks)
B Button = Select FX2
Shift + Pitch Bend - Deck 2 = Select Previous Music Source mode.
Shift + Pitch Bend + Deck 2 = Select Next Music Source mode.
View = Changes all the modes , ie Pro mode, 4 deck mode, Video mode etc…

All the buttons that have an LED in them have also been Midi assigned to Light up when in use.

So far in testing, The Prime Go is really an excellent built controller…
Besides the screens, I really wished that Denon had included a USB C power port, This would be excellent in charging the IPad whilst in use, other than that I am really pleased with the unit.


Hello Maurizio,
Will you share your latest mapping with us to try out?

Yes sure hopefully this works…
This works for my iPad Air 5th Gen
Again I have to add that I can’t take full credit for it as I just somewhat improved on the Geronimo map

PrimeGo dj Geronimo 2.2.djayMidiMapping (31.6 KB)

Its nice… I am djGeronimo… however I give more credit to @JiPenade for the jogwheels and VU LEDs.
Only thing that official release has on our latest file is buttons lighting up; Official release doesn’t give me VU meter lights… will try another iPads


Yes l tested the official release,
It’s good but a few of the buttons aren’t mappable where is our version has all the buttons mappable,

I think l will keep using our version for now,

One trick l found to get the cue lights to light up is when you start the Go,
Load a sample track on each deck then the cue lights will come on,
Then put the unit in computer mode and the cue lights remain on,
You have to do this every time though…

I will make a list that the official version could be modified hopefully with a future update…

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A friend of mine showed off his Virtual DJ interaction with the Prime Go.
Screens and all beautifully integrated.
Still holding on to hope for Algoriddim to give us full support.

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Yes that would be ideal although I’m a bit used to the size of the screen of my iPad Air so the Denon screen would be a bit smaller I guess

Hi @salsaweb, please note that the hardware manufacturer needs to unlock access to their screens before we can add support for them in djay. We have reached out to the manufacturer requesting this, but it will help to expedite the process if djay users could also contact the manufacturer and express their interest in having screens unlocked for Algoriddim djay. Every voice helps. Thanks for your support!


hey ! has anyone trying to use it from the iphone ? can you import that map using the iphone app? thanks !! just checking in if anyone has tried out.

Hi @Camilo_Duarte, please note that the Denon Prime Go is now natively supported on iOS with the latest version of djay. There is no need to import a MIDI Mapping. There will be a built-in mapping when you connect your iPhone.


Hey ! yea i just got the cable i was looking usb-B to lighting, but sadly have to pay ! just to try it on. i am not a pro. so just not justify the price. :frowning:

Hi @Camilo_Duarte, there’s a free trial of djay.