Djay 5.0 messed up my beatgrids.

My complaint about Tidal is not about them not having a choice in the changed licensing. It’s about the fact that this wasn’t made clear in the update. Considering that I’m paying for djay, this should have been announced with the new update, because I would have made the choice to stay on version 4! That’s what I’m upset about, it felt like they covered this up with new bells and whistles I don’t care about, and feels dishonest.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. I don’t care much about Stems, or the new algorithms for setting fluid beatgrids. I like to manually mix and I care about having full control over setting starting bars and beatgrids for my music the way I want and ensuring that 120 bpm is in fact 120 bpm and that it won’t change, as it’s doing for me now, which ends up throwing me off. Not so much with the EDM music I normally play, but with these older R&B and hip hop classics, it is. I only use Tidal for those mainstream requests that I don’t already keep in my collection.

I’m not sure why it’s working for you but not me, perhaps because I’m on an iPad?

I also do a lot of b2bs with other DJs, and having it automatically choose dynamic adds an extra unnecessary step to my workflow to be able to mix in and beat match with them, especially if they are using different software. I liked having the visual to see and now I basically have to close my eyes and only use my ears or it throws me off and becomes a distraction!

It’s basically turned the app into a toy for hobby DJing or automixing, and not something I would use professionally. I resisted the urge to switch only cause I like using an iPad as opposed to carrying around an expensive laptop, but I’m really considering it now. A shame because I’ve been with djay since version 1 and even though I have a Serato license.

Please fix this or atleast offer a third option for manual beatgridding and a way to set the default so it doesn’t flip between dynamic, straight, and manual!

If the BPM readout changes, then that’s more accurately reflecting what’s happening in the track.

It’s not a fault. It’s not wrong or incorrect. It’s showing you what the tempo is actually doing, rather than just an average of it.

As I’ve said before, I think it’s just newer DJs who are used to seeing one fixed BPM on every track, seeing the variation and thinking there’s something wrong.

Having the beatgrid adapt to realtime variations does not (or should not) prevent a DJ from mixing manually. No one’s forcing you to press sync.

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Vinyl days lots of records had fluctuating BPM. Djs wrestling with the BPM changes. Now we get to see the changes in real time. Most music now a days has a pretty constant BPM anyways. If there is fluctuation in BPM as a dj you’re hardly doing to a long transition.

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DizzyDj123. The bpm’s bug out on MacBook too. I play a lot of Latin music this fluid beatgrid crap messed up my library song’s which were perfectly gridded with the old version.
I’ll start a song at 100 bpm by the time it ends it’s at 109. They should at least give us an option to revert back. I hate Serato but I’ve been using it lately.


Does anybody know how to add videos to these discussions.

@MontyJoe to share videos you need to upload them to your Dropbox or Google Drive account and share a link to it here. Please remember to also open sharing access to the file so we can download them. Thanks.

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This has been an issue for me.
Not only were fans excited to hear all kinds of Rock be mixed at all.
But when they heard that Djay is basically running on autopilot (automix). It was amazing.
Every time I reset the beat Grid on the song then re-downloaded it just reset back to what DJay thought it should be. I gave up mixing rock
I will try This.

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I’m new to Djay pro , never used it before , I’ve only jus started with version 5 , and I never have any issues with beat grids , I play house and retro tho , this is now better than rekordbox and Serato in my opinion , my main dj program is now Djay pro , I used to use rekordbox

It’s not over priced as well like rekordbox subscription,

Hello team,
I’ve had to correct Beatgrids Every single major update since that inception.
This wouldn’t solve tempo issues when analyzing the tempo.
But wouldn’t need to cloud beatgrid start point.
I think it’s time to consider this simple solution to the biggest weakest link the Algoriddim team has on their plate…Ready?!!

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Thanks for the feedback @LaidbackFred. I’ve forwarded it to the dev team.

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