DJAY 5 - Songs will not load from my library

Loading new music from Dropbox is virtually impossible and super frustrating. It crashes a lot and is very unstable. Please fix the bugs

Hi @djmontyb, I’ve heard back from the engineering team.

  1. Can you please confirm how much storage space is remaining on your iOS device? If you are running low on space this can cause issues as iCloud and Dropbox may automatically remove local files to save space.
  2. The engineering team recommends that you also:
    a. Delete the Dropbox app.
    b. Reboot your iOS device.
    c. Reinstall the Dropbox app.
  3. They have also suggested that if you want a 100% guarantee of local file availability that you should copy the files to your device manually or use iTunes. If you use iCloud or Dropbox there, unfortunately, is no certainty that the files will remain locally on the device as this is not controlled by djay.

I hope that helps!

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Hi Slak_Jaw, I hope you had a great vacation. Thanks for the response, Here are some photos of the space remaining and storage used on the iPad. I did delete the Dropbox app, I also wanted to let you know I didn’t start using the Dropbox option until it was available on DJAY Pro. Prior to that the only import option was iCloud. So my library is mostly imported from iCloud and probably the last 6 months from Dropbox.

Hi @djmontyb, my vacation was great thanks! Thank you for the additional information - looks like drive space isn’t the issue. I’ll forward this all to the engineering team to see if they have any other ideas.

Hi @djmontyb,

I checked with the engineering team. Unfortunately they don’t have any further suggestions, apart from just copying the music locally to your device. The File picker UI is a system component and they don’t have any control over its behaviour and integration with iCloud and Dropbox.

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App: djay 5.1.7 (58214)
Device: iPad12,2
Language: English
MIDI Devices:
OS: iPadOS 17.5.1 (21F90)
Product: pro.yearly-Paid-Active
User ID: $RCAnonymousID:199f843dca3847c59602740f9bf1ef85

Summary of the issue:
Just started recently, I can’t load new tracks to library or playlists. Add from files… window keeps crashing. I tried to log out of icloud and log back in and now all my tracks are “Greyed” out.
“Track Not Available” The track cannot be played because it is not available.
Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated.

How to reproduce the issue:
see video attached

Library won't add new tracks (1)

Hi @djmontyb, I’m guessing this is the same issue you were experiencing before. I have gone ahead and merged your new topic with the previous one. The video you shared is very small and poor resolution. Can you please upload the original version to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Thanks!

@djmontyb, as requested above, please enable sharing permissions. Thanks!

Thanks for the video @djmontyb. That looks like a huge folder of music. Can you please try the same procedure with a smaller folder to see if that helps? Thanks!

@Slak_Jaw I have tried all different folders, Dropbox, Google Drive, “On My iPad”, The “Add From Files…” window just keeps crashing it doesn’t even stay open long enough to make a selection.

Okay thanks for the additional details @djmontyb. To help us troubleshoot your crashes, please submit an Official Support Ticket using the procedure below so the engineering team can review your crash reports in more detail.

  1. Open the djay app on your device.
  2. Navigate to Settings>Contact Support.
  3. Fill out the submission form and title your email “ATTN: MARIE – “The Title of your Community Topic” in the provided subject line.

As I won’t have access to your crash report, I’ll consider this community topic closed for now and let the official support team take over from here. However, feel free to share any other details about your crash here that you think will be helpful in diagnosing the issue. Thanks!

Thanks @Slak_Jaw
I have already sent a support ticket through the app before I made a topic in the Community
I will send another one though with ATTN: MARIE – “The Title of your Community Topic” in the provided subject line.

If you’ve already sent one, there is no need to send another. Thanks.

I an having a similar issue. Spent hours making sure all my tracks were downloaded onto my iPad pro and still getting this issue on certain tracks. See image attached. This never happened with my older version of djay on my old iPad

Hi @MattVC, this is a known issue with Apple Music at the moment. Please refer to the discussion linked below. Thanks!