Some Apple Music songs not loading

mac mini M2, macOS Sonoma 14.4.1, djay v 5.2.2

When loading tracks i sometimes get the error:
Could not load track:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.algoriddim.ARCDataURLResponseErrorDomain error 400.)

Only affects some tracks, so far haven’t been able to work out anything that identifies the tracks as different from ones that do load.

Could this be an issue on my end?


Hi there

Experiencing the same error here, when loading tracks from Apple Music.


Same problem for me too. Problems when loading songs from Apple Music to deck. Error 400.


thanks to both of you for pointing out what i forgot to mention - i’m using Apple Music!

Also, yeah this is now happening for every track, can’t load anything from Apple Music at all


Same here - M1 Mac, Sonoma 14.6.1, just updated to djay v5.2.2

Seems to have started sometime last evening, hopefully a solution comes soon!

Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 8.37.06 AM


Exactly the same it started with a few tracks now nearly everytime. Exactly the same error message. Clearly it’s now a major problem. The integration with apple music now works less than 10% of the time. Help this is a disaster!!! I’m on iPhone and imac


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)
MacOS: Monterey
Version of Djay: 5.2.2

I keep getting a weird error when trying to play most of my Apple Music library. It’s frustrating, especially since I just got this product and resubscribed to Apple Music because you don’t support Spotify… hope there is a workaround and this isn’t a waste of money.

Here’s the error:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.algoriddim.ARCDataURLResponseErrorDomain error 400.)

Appreciate any help.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far by the way:

  • Restarting my computer
  • Restarting DJay Pro
  • Signing out and back into Apple Music

This is the same problem as previous thread below. I subscribed to Apple Music because of the integration. Hopefully a fix can be found soon

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Hi @doingokay, I’ve merged your topic with this existing one. Thanks.


Hello everyone, this appears to be an issue on Apple’s side. We are in contact with them and will report back when we have news. Thanks!


Same error here too. “The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.algoriddim.ARCDataURLResponseErrorDomain error 400.)”

Weird as some tracks from the same album/EP will load, but others do not. Hope it gets sorted soon!


Thanks for the feedback @Ben_Fergs

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I haven’t tested every track but have tried playing 20 random tracks via Apple music and every track loaded and played without issue.
This is on iOS with my iPad

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Ok it looks like I spoke too soon,
I have come up with the same error tying to load what looks like to be older tracks

Same problem occurring using Djay app in iPadOS 17.6.1
Apparently this is a generalized issue with Apple Music.


And it’s not related to the latest Djay update as it affects both 5.2.1 and 5.2.2

And this is why I always say, Never rely on streaming services for your music, Invest in your own music collection and use Streaming services for emergency use,
I learnt that when Spotify no longer supported Dj software


Same problem. I rely on streaming services because its affordable.


Hello again everyone,

We appreciate you bringing this Apple Music issue to our attention and are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.

Our team is aware of this issue and is actively investigating the problem while working towards a solution as quickly as possible.

If you encounter any additional unexpected or expected behavior, please share it with us, as it will help our engineering team resolve the issue.

We will keep you updated promptly with any developments and hope to bring you good news soon.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Same problem!!

Tidal is working fine —
Apple is having error code for domain issues on every song. I know Apple is new to DJpro but I do rely on my streaming songs due to the amount of requests i get a night.


Hello , I also have this problem with error 400 after the program update. I am using dj pro from MAC , before updating I don’t have any problems with tracks loading
I am using Apple Music