djay Pro 2.1 update

Is this update for djay pro only? As i have both apps on ipad (djay pro and djay 2) and the update is only available for pro

Can we have amazon music instead? Or youtube music

Any confirmation on this?

Is this the death of djay?

Djay pro 2.1 for Windows ?

Hey there! I’m not sure I want to pay more subscriptions as I already pay Spotify and djay Pro even if I paid for djay 2 back in the day.
What about tagging / metadata management? Playing spotify/SoundCloud etc, without internet connection?

cheers and love, Pierre.

Sad news, it changes everything for many users. Nevertheless if algoriddim allows to use either Tidal or SoundCloud offline and tagging management we could see an improvement in a pro direction; not sure what you guys are looking for but I’m trying to use my iPad Pro as the only dj tool I need and find it really hard because I could do much more in traktor and my laptop with iTunes smartplaylists. I jumped into Djay because I was attracted to use Spotify and hoping one day they would allow to use it offline, but that moment will never come so it makes Spotify experience kind of useless, nobody wants to go on a gig and relay on WiFi connection.

If Lukas you could say something about the offline options on new platforms that would be great.

Cheers guys,

if your losing spotify then djay pro becomes irrelevant overnight.

yes the windows version now has tidal and soundcloud along with spotify. has the windows version been made more stable and are any more controllers to be added?

game over?

is anyone going to officially state that spotify is no more from algoriddim djay?? what a joke

just want to say that you lost a customer, the money i was going to spend on an ipad pro 12.9" 3rd gen + controller + djay subscription just went on two denon sc5000’s that also have tidal streaming.

probably a better spend in the long run, thanks for not helping or replying about spotify,  because thats the only reason to use your software djay pro team, you suck… adios!!!

Is Spotify still an option to play from in this update on iOS?

you mean “better” hardware integration :slight_smile:

as per the update details, nothing in regards to more controllers… in any case, we will have to wait till next tuesday to find out. Lukas only comes by once a week and it’s on tuesdays.

Please keep Spotify

Agree, it’s my main reason to use djay pro, without spotify, there’s a lot of choice, even the new version of djpro can stream from soundcloud but same with the upcoming rekordbox + beatport link. This is sad.

This is great news… but… what’s the deal with Spotify integration?  All mentions of that seems to have disappeared from the website.  Is there a time after which Spotify integration will be gone?

I contacted “Customer Support” about this and all I got back was “we’re focused right now on providing new streaming options for djay users, and not in a position to discuss our existing partnerships”, which does not sound too promising on the Spotify front, at least from my pov.  I just need to know if/when they’ll stop the support so I am prepared to a. stop my subscription, and b. to switch to a product that does support the Spotify integration.