Djay Pro and iOS17

I updated the operating system on both my iPhone and my iPad tab to iOS17 beta. The Djay Pro app opens normally but no sound comes out. Has observed the same issue and solved it? The songs that are not playing were purchased on ITunes / Apple Music.

Currently, beta OS versions are not supported.

The betas allow developers time to write / fix / amend any issues prior to the firmware reaching a full public release.

If things aren’t working for you, the only option is to revert back to 16.5 and wait for the app to update to support Sonoma when it is released.

There are other forum posts with similar issues on the 17 beta, but you’re out of luck as it stands, unless someone has found a way around the issue.


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Thanks! This very useful. I will revert back to iOS 16.5.

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@Tenet100 hopefully you have a full system backup with iOS 16. I recommend checking out these general software tips as well before updating your iOS or djay app.

Hi @Tenet100,

We just fixed a bug similar to this for iOS 17 beta users in the latest update to djay.

Would you mind downloading the newest version of djay and letting us know whether or not this issue is still occurring for you?



I’m having issues with non beta ios17 not loading the song on the other deck. It just spins forever until I close it and restart it and it does it again. I can play free music that’s preloaded and iTunes music that I purchased. The issue only occurs when I’m signed into beatsource/beatport paid subscription and it doesn’t matter what song I load. Only one deck plays. I’m Losing money due to bugs and missing out on gigs. I’ve been having this issue since July 2023.

iPad mini iOS 17.0.3

Djay pro AI 4.1.10

Hi @Nitro82k, sorry to hear you’re experiencing this issue. Please try this procedure:

  1. Log out of Beatsource and Beatport from within djay Pro AI in **Settings>Library at the bottom.
  2. Close djay.
  3. Force Restart your iPad: Force restart iPad - Apple Support
  4. Launch djay and log back into your Beatport and Beatsource accounts.

Is djay pro compatible with iOS 17 yet? No official update yet so that’s why I haven’t upgraded yet.

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I’m having this issue now on Mac and iPhone. Only since I logged out. I haven’t logged out of pad and won’t as it works. This is the message I get within djay pro when I try to log in.

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