iOS Specific Advice / Tips

Continuing on from my recent Hardware (General Hardware Advice / Tips) and Software Tips (General Software Advice / Tips), I thought it would be helpful to provide some iOS specific tips to maximize Performance and Stability. I’ve been using djay on iPad and iPhone exclusively for my gigs for over 5 years now. Using the tips in the links above with the ones below, I rarely experience djay or iPad crashes.

  1. Delete Unnecessary Apps. I treat my iPad as a professional piece of hardware dedicated to DJing and try not to install anything on I don’t need for performing. I realize this is pretty extreme for most people, but I recommend you remove as many apps as you can.
  2. Free up Storage. Delete photos, videos, large message attachments and anything else unnecessary to maximize free storage space on the device.
  3. Disable Auto-Lock. I’ve had djay crash a lot in the past when the auto-lock screen engages. I only use manual screen lock and never when performing.
  4. Turn Low Power Mode OFF. This mode reduces performance to maximize battery life.
  5. Disable Background App Refresh
  6. Disable Automatic App Downloads and App Updates in Settings>App Store. Manually update your Apps when you are not DJing.
  7. Disable Automatic iOS Updates in Settings>General>Software Updates. Manually update your iOS when you are not DJing.
  8. Reduce Visual Effects. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Motion > Reduce Motion and turn this off to improve device performance.
  9. Turn Bluetooth OFF
  10. Turn WiFi OFF. If you’re not using streaming services, turn WiFi off. For me, I leave this on because I mainly use Beatport LINK Professional.
  11. Set Focus to Do Not Disturb during your set to disable all notifications.
  12. Close all other Apps. Only run djay and anything else necessary for your performance.
  13. Restart Device. I always do a system restart a few hours before my set to ensure things are running as smoothly as possible. I also do a Forced Restart on a semi-regular schedule: Force restart iPad - Apple Support (CA).
  14. Keep the Device Cool. Overheating hinders performance and can cause automatic device shut downs. If you’re playing an outdoor gig, at a bare minimum, keep your device out of direct sunlight.
  15. Consider Upgrading Your Device. I put this one last because most of the above things should make a big difference. However, if you make money DJing, it’s worth it to purchase the most powerful device that’s within your budget. Especially if you use Neural Mix or 4 Deck Mixing.

Anyway, I hope this is helpful… happy mixing!


One more tip: if the booth is accessible for others and you don’t want them to mess around on your device I suggest taking a look at guided access.


Also, if you want to change the settings mentioned above often you can automate most of them by creating shortcuts. I have two of these that either set or reset them.

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I’ve been having glitches with the wav scrolling and turning on “limit frame rate” (Accessibility/Motion) has instantly fixed it.


Thank you so much :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4: Your post was so helpful!!! Happiest Mixing!!! Oh and have a profitable upcoming season.

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You’re welcome @Tom-Mixin-Mac. Happy to help!

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