djay Pro Remote for controlling djay on any other device

Please add functionality within the app on any device to connect and control other devices running the app! This could be similar to Apple Music controlling AppleTV from the phone. It’s not streaming, just a fully integrated controller.


@Slak_Jaw figured out how to make ipads control macs wirelessly via OSC, and I’d love to link to the thread here but I can’t seem to find it at the moment. I never got a chance to play with it to see how well it works, but I won’t be surprised if this is integrated in upcoming versions of djay.

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Here are the remotes that I made for my personal use for iPhone and iPad using TouchOSC:


Now do Apple Watch control of iPad/iPhone and Mac. :pray:t2::moneybag::star_struck::disguised_face:

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@heysoundude not possible with TouchOSC.

but that’s an opportunity for algoriddim devs to show us just how smart and creative and innovative they really are, isn’t it?

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Thanks for the suggestion @Brad_Perry. I’ve forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.

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