Does the new DDJ-1000 works with Djay Pro Mac/Windows?

Will the ddj 1000 get support for windows or iPhone soon?

When will it be supported for windows?

When will it be supported for windows? Any expected date?

For windows?

I use djay pro mainly for the spotify integration

Doesnt the ddj1000 have a line input? Output audio from iPad via headphone jack with a 3.5mm to rca cable and input into a channel on the ddj

Oh I see you were trying to eliminate the laptop!

Anyone have the mapping for ddj 1000

It works I use it

It’s a MAC based program might as well use Rekordbox for Windows - I’m currently going to transition to Rekordbox

The same for me I’m going to connect an iPad to a channel for Request not in my library that I can find on Spotify

Yes - you can run Spotify on an iPad and use it as a 3rd or 4 th channel

I was explaining for people who want to use RekordBox rather than DJPro - it was fine but you are missing out on some features if you use DJ Pro instead of RekordBox