Full-blown match feature (like Related Tracks in Rekordbox)

Track Match (aka TM) is a useful feature but seems too broad and returns unwanted results since it pulls from a few sources with little focus (My Library, Music, and streaming sources like Tidal). TM would be much more relevant by filtering its results to targeted sources like playlists, playlist folders (via Apple Music), and genres (perhaps others).

Example is I’m playing a set from a large playlist of downtempo tracks and I choose a song from this list for matching and now want to ONLY see other downtempo track matches in similar BPM and key. If I could select a playlist to focus on then my matches are going to help me find the right music to match my current set.

Better yet, this concept can be expanded to a multi select interface where TM source selection opens a modal window of multiple sources including playlists/playlist folders/genres available and I can shift-select or command-select multiple sources to pull results from (so I’m not forced to get only results from one). A genre source example here might be I’m playing a downtempo set and I want matches from genres that include Lo-fi, Lounge, and Ambient genres.

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Hello everyone. There have been several similar requests for improvements to the Match Feature so I’ve merged them all into this new one from @djjoejoe. You might need to cast your votes again. Thanks.

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Yes, advanced track matching would be useful. At the very least, add the option to match only with the playlist. With over 5000 songs in my library, I do not want songs being suggested from other playlists, just the one i’m in currently. The rekordbox and serato implementations are both perfect. Would love this in Djay

In addition to this, it seems like the selection of songs is too much alike when it comes to artists. I prefer to mix up the selection from mix to mix and seeing half of the songs matched be from the same artist, it really removes some of the usefulness. Mixing up the artists would be great. I tend to look at complimentary genres, key, and energy levels when looking for new tracks to mix.

I wanted to add a screenshot to show how limited the match feature is. IMHO, 8 songs matched with the playing track is 3 artists. We should have the option to have a limited search scope where it may dig into the same artist discography or a couple other similar artists, but don’t limit us to such a small scope.
Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 10.04.11 AM

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Would love to see a related tracks with customizatable toggles / filters. For example, would like to select things like
Compatible Key AND BPM with 10%
Compatible Key AND BPM AND added within 6 months

Finally, would like the option of only searching within the current playlist only, not the entire collection like it is now. This is important for DJs that do various types of events, for example, open format one night, and deep house another night and then afrobeats the third night! I don’t want to see harmonically compatible tracks from a completely different genre, even if the keys and bpm match! Hence, searching within certain playlists is important!

this type of functionality is available in the other other largest DJ softrware platforms and would love it to be part of Djay. Thanks!

Hi @djchase, I merged your new topic with this existing one as they are closely related. Please cast your vote for this feature in this topic. Please also use the search tool before creating new topics. Thanks!

Surprised this wasn’t addressed in 5.2. One of the few things preventing Djay from beating the competition. It’s being echo’d al by all the YouTubers – add better library management and hardware spport aand we’ll have a winner! Part of this is local library matching that’s configurable. Taking a cue from Rekordbox would be a good option.

Match in its current form seems pretty worthless. It doesn’t seem to update as you play and it doesn’t provide worthwhile results. Maybe it’s broken in the latest updates? I’m not sure.


Both Apple Music and SoundCloud match works for me - you have to sign in to one or the other for it to be prioritised. And you can select active deck or just drag and drop any song onto it to get matches. Good for exploring, but any streaming service will stop you recording a mix. The main feature request here from me, is what they already have built into the MacOS version, the ability to manually build your own matches - especially useful for genres like DnB where you want to do double drops. Mapping out my library with songs that match will be invaluable for all genres, impossible to just remember and annoying to have to write it down or use another app to keep track

great idea, all my 80’s throwbacks like cutting crew and wham get suggested in the middle of tech house sets :face_with_raised_eyebrow !! match tracks could be called DJ Fail Suggestions atm !

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SAME! A simple tickbox for matching within the current playlist would solve this.

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  • Device model (PC - AMD Ryzen 2700X, 32 RAM, M2 SSD):
  • Version of operating system (Windows 10. 22H2):
  • Version of djay (5.2.3):
  • Hardware/controllers used (Hercules Inpulse 500):

Your question:

Why don’t I see tracks in Right panel - Match tracks option?

I’ve tried both local folders on my computer and added tracks to My Collection (Playlists), but it didn’t make a difference.

I use another DJ program, DJUCED, which has the same option to select suitable tracks. Everything works fine in it. The tracks are shown.

I think it’s safe to say that djay pro 5.2 doesn’t create its own database for selecting tracks, and instead relies on the iTunes database.
It would be pretty unusual to have to install iTunes just to access tracks on Windows.

What are your thoughts on this? I’d love to hear your take on it.

P.S. I really like the program! I just have a couple of questions about how it works with metadata (meta tag) and a large local music library. I’d love to be able to make the program see all the metadata written in the file and write new metadata (meta tag) for the program to see them. That way, I can analyze tracks based on them!

Hi @Zirrex, I’ve merged your topic with this existing one. Please note that Match is currently only supported with Streaming services not local music stored on device. You can vote at the top left of this page to show your interest in supporting this suggestion though. Thanks!

Adding match for local files can’t be that hard surely, the Traktor DJ app had it from its beginning in 2013. Just based on key and bpm is better than nothing.

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Match is suggesting BPM way out of genre and tempo. ITs really useless atm…Rekordbox really implemented this feature well. (the only thing they did well) i should be able to specify songs within this genre and playlist for example.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Better control of source for matching tracks