Better control of source for matching tracks

I find the match list generated for the active track to be helpful, but the breadth of its source is too wide. I have playlists for different and non-overlapping use cases: Alternative club music, Rave/Techno, 80s retro, Country, Wedding music, etc. There is no way to limit the match list to pull from a specified playlist, and thus it presents a list of matches from the entire collection. This issue is the same if the match list is specified to come from my ā€˜Musicā€™ source - playlists within are not able to be used to filter results. It is difficult to wade through the unfiltered results, and their presence also means that the total number of ā€˜goodā€™ results gets diminished.

Please allow for either direct selection of a playlist as the source, or at a minimum the ability to filter results.


That sounds like an idea thatā€™ll be useful to many people!


Just to add this request "Match" does not work on my iPhone/iPad. v3.7.4 - #20 by Emily as we donā€˜t have match for local files - if we had, than this would be the ultimate ā€žcontrolā€œ on the source of suggestions

Hi @djsteve,

Weā€™re really glad you brought this up, as our team is always looking to improve on the current feature set of djay especially as it relates to music libraries.

I will make sure that this gets passed along to our engineering team for further review and update this topic should we hear of new information regarding this feature request.

Have a lovely day!


i agree, i have hours of 80ā€™s music and old disco for specific parties, but i want track match to ignore those folders, it needs to have a target like ā€œin current playlistā€ or ā€œin same genreā€ - rekordbox implemented this quite well. even if it track match was able to look in one specific folder eg my house collection it would be better. thanks !

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MATCH Feature needs more options !

As a new user of Djay I am still discovering many options and gimmicks within the software.
One of the cool features I find is the " MATCH " option that tries to assist you in finding the right tune to go with what you are playing at that time.

Many may argue that a Dj needs to complete his set in advance. I beg to differ as such pre-set jobs leave little or no room for spontaneous changes, due to demand from the audience or the boss :slight_smile:

So, while Djaying I regularly see what MATCH is suggesting to play. The only downside is that you have just 2 options to pick from, either your whole library or Local files where Local means everything thatā€™s in your iTunes/Music library.

I would welcome the option to narrow down the search to use the same listing as your library does.

So if I have a library with , for example :


  • Disco
  • 80s
  • Floorfillers
  • Techno
  • Folk Songs
  • Country
  • Blues
  • Old stuff

However if I am playing anything from, say Techno, then it would not match very well with a similar BPM and Key from Country. So youā€™d want MATCH to search within the " Techno " playlist.

Please have the DevTeam create or add the option to select the folder where MATCH does itā€™s thing, Either Full Library or Selected Playlistsā€¦( obviously with the interface to select the playlists to search in )

Hope this makes sense ā€¦



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also, if match could be a little customizable, it would help :slight_smile:

Hi @DjPete, thanks for the suggestion. In the future, please use search before creating new topics. I have merged your new topic with this existing one that is closely related. You can also show your support for this by casting your vote at the top left of this page. Thanks!

@Slak_Jaw , I have done that and this topic that you put my request in is more about adding selective features such as BPM and KEY to filter, rather then selecting from certain playlists or playlist folders. I am quite happy with the general performance of MATCH but it looks too wide, as in searching through the whole library, where I would prefer to limit the search to a certain Playlist folder or even Playlist .

SO in that respect I feel the request / suggestion I made would be " easier " to implement in regards to adding numerous filters for BPM or Key. People are comparing it too much with Rekordbox which DJay just isnā€™t and I am happy for it not to be :slight_smile:



Thanks for the additional feedback @DjPete. Sounds like this topic might be more suitable for your suggestions then. Just let me know.

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@Slak_Jaw , this is indeed basically similar to my point, where I am asking for a better way to determine which playlists are used to dig through when using the MATCH feature :slight_smile:

@Slak_Jaw : Seeing this topic is from June 2023 and weā€™re now in 2025, this has been on the wishlist for almost 2 years. Might be time for the development crew to revisit this and at least add some of the requested options ? Cannot image it would be that hard to add additinal selection pathā€™s to the Match option ?

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Hi again @DjPete, thanks for the additional feedback and information. I will definitely bring this to the dev team again for consideration. In the meantime, please refer to the linked topic below on how Suggestions and our voting system works. Thanks again!

Having initiated this request years ago, Iā€™d like to express my continued desire to see this added. The value and useability it would add to the match feature would be huge. As it remains now Iā€™ve unfortunately had to mostly leave it unused.

Thanks for continuing to push this suggestion @djsteve.

I would love it if i could select a playlist for the Match function to pull suggestions from. at the moment it seems to just pull from my entire library and my library is all over cause i like to mix so many styles and genres. it would be great if I was mixing house and I only wanted house not disco or something else. another thing could be cool if I could set parameters such as to pick songs by key verses bpm.
Thanks for listening!

Hi @DjCIMA, welcome to the Community! Please use search before creating new topics. I have merged your new topic with this existing one. Please cast your vote for this suggestion at the top left of this page. Thanks.