Gradual sync alignment

Currently if you have a track that is out of alignment with master, and you hit sync, the alignment is instant, and produces a discontinuity in audio. In other DJ software this is handled more gracefully, with a brief but gradual alignment of the beatgrid and master.

This would be a big quality of life improvement in all kinds of edge cases where sync happens either intentionally or not.

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Hi @zalzebub ,

I completely agree that a gradual sync alignment would be a significant quality-of-life improvement. The abrupt sync can indeed cause noticeable audio discontinuities, which can be distracting during a performance.

It looks like your suggestion aligns closely with a feature request I made, don’t you think?:

Both ideas aim to improve the handling of sync-related transitions, ensuring a smoother and more professional output.

Hopefully, the team will consider implementing these improvements in future updates!


@DJ_Big_Blender, I totally agree that my suggestion is very close to your post. I searched, but I guess I was using the wrong search terms.

Maybe the only point I’d add to yours, which I think is important, is that the problem and solution could generalize not just to starts, but also any other time that sync is engaged, automatically or manually.

For example, you can hear discontinuity when launching saved loops while synced. If you’re off by a little bit, you will hear a small jump. There’s lots of little edge cases where the sync kicks in and you hear a discontinuity.

But the general principle is the same. And like you, Traktor was what I was thinking of in terms of behaviour. VirtualDJ handles syncing in the same way.

Hopefully you don’t mind if I add a little comment on your excellent post. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

Thanks, @zalzebub, for your quick and excellent reply.

I would have loved to vote for your suggestion, but unfortunately, I have reached my voting limit for now. However, I give it a +1 right here!

Thanks for the suggestion @zalzebub! Good idea. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration. Thanks!