Handling Auto-Gain gives sudden level differences

I’m in the process of creating my custom 4-deck controller based on pre-fab modules. It is a very nice challenge … :slight_smile:

Thanks for the additional feedback @Brainbox, @Mufasa and @DJ_Big_Blender. I’ve shared this with the devs.

I am so used to it, it’s second nature to manual adjust during pre-queing to stay out of the red AND avoid the embarrassing drops in sound. After being on DJay for 8 years, it’s standard procedure. But I do like this resolution.

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Wanted to try the autogain again and I now remember why I felt the need to touch the trim knob on the FLX10

The autogain by default is red-lining

Any ideas why this is so?

How do I use it without redlining?


What you have to bear in mind is that meter calibration is different for digital signals.

With digital, 0dB is at the top of the meter. There’s essentially no headroom. With analogue, typically 0dB is marked lower down (first amber on yours I think).

Because the mixer has to deal with analogue inputs too, typically the manufacturer uses the analogue scale on the hardware.


Hi @Mufasa, please navigate to the djay Settings>Sound>Output Headroom and try selecting from the available options to see if that helps. Thanks.


Dropped the headroom to -6

Now behaves alright :+1:t5:



Excellent. Thanks for the follow up @Mufasa

Regarding the option” Save and Restore Manually Set Gain Values”: I use djay on two devices (iPad and iPhone) and noticed that the manually set gain levels on one device (say the iPad) are not automatically applied (synchronized) on the other device (eg like the hot cues).

For me that alignment would be helpful.
Is that intentional and, if yes why?

Auto gain is a great feature but as previously explained when you’re playing a mixture of styles and eras it falls short and the adjustment process does become very awkward.
For now I’ve turned it off and gone back to manual adjustment but if it could be improved as in the other softwares i would definitely use it.


Hi @urbopussy,

Thank you for raising this point!

As far as I know, manually set gain values are independent and not synchronized between devices. I can imagine this might be intentional, as different devices (like an iPad and iPhone) often require tailored settings to account for variations in performance, hardware, or user preferences.

That said, I understand how synchronized gain values, similar to hot cues, could be more convenient for certain workflows. Deciding what’s best here is a complex matter, as users have diverse needs. Some might prefer the flexibility of device-specific settings, while others would find consistency more efficient.

It might be worth suggesting this idea as a separate feature request to the development team, possibly as an optional toggle, so it could accommodate different use cases.


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Hi @daniel_curley,

I completely understand how Auto Gain can sometimes work inconvenient, especially when mixing tracks from different styles and eras. I’ve found that switching the Gain behavior to “Pick-Up” has helped me a lot in this regard. With this setting, any manual adjustments you make are smoother and less sudden, which makes the process feel more natural and controlled.

It’s worth giving this a try—you might find it makes manual adjustment less of a hassle while still keeping Auto Gain enabled when needed.


I’m not sure if someone has said this, but have you tried to use the Mixon 8 Pro in External Mixer Mode? I noticed this auto-gain issue only happens to me when I use controllers in Internal Mode. This does not happen to my auto gain when using my Reloop Elite or ddj1000srt (both can only be used in External Mode). Yes, I lose the automix function, but for how I use gain to add or take away a tiny amount of volume on individual channels, I think External Mode is best for me. I do have to “tap” in the hardware effects on the 1000srt but it keeps me busy lol.

I assume the next controller I buy will work best in Internal Mode (eyeing the Flx10), but I wonder if there’s a way djay pro could disable the hardware gain/trim knobs from affecting the gain of the UI (like in sdj pro)?

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For my last gig I activated “save and restore manually set gain values” and took time beforehand to balance the gains of the tracks in my playlist.
Quite a lot of work and not for some I know but when your library spans 7 decades sorting the values out prior to a gig saved a lot of effort and stress while playing.


I wish it worked like serato, rekordbox & traktor.

Dont really understand why the deviation from the industry standard, it’s quite jarring - possibly enough to make me go back to rekordbox.

I want the software to do most of the work, but not lose the ability to tweak things on the fly without drastic changes in volume. Appreciate the suggestion of the latch mode change, Ill look into that, still feel that making it work like all the other software would be a more user friendly approach.


Hi @justjoe, welcome to the Community! Thanks for the additional feedback. I will share this with the dev team.