Hot Cue Jumping to 1 bar before when jumping out of a Loop

Thanks @Nubium. I’ll pass this on to engineering.

I am trying to video this a couple of times now, but each time I try and video it the problem doesn’t happen. I had a similar issue with the track Crazy In Love. I was looping part of the track in the middle and then hit the performance pad to jump to the start of the track and it come in a beat late

Thanks for the update @Nubium

In addition to this, not to create another topic:
When trying to exit the loop at the end of the song and jump to the one close to beginning 50% of the time or more I encounter the fact, that loop continues to run, I can only exit on 2nd or 3rd time, and I can see on the screen, that application reacts to the controller commands, the same thing with using keyboard shortcuts to jump, same effect (so it’s not a hardware issue). I tried changing loop quantize from 1 beat to 1/2 but no effect, same.

I managed to record this.

When I try to jump to Cue point 2 on the second deck right after the song on deck 1 is all finished you can see the cue marker flashes as registering the button push on the screen, but the loop starts over, and I only was able to jump to my cue point after loop finished once more.

It’s basically the same situation we described at the topic start. Just sometimes it jumps to the song start instead of a cue point (imagine there is no cue point 1 on deck 1, it still jumps to the song start by itself)

I have that issue sometimes as well. I hot the pad and nothing happens, need to hit it a few times.

There’s a setting called Deactivate Loop when Jumping Outside of Loop in the Adavnced setting. Please try turning this on to see if it makes a difference.

I will test this for a bit. Immediate testing worked, but as the issue was intermittent, I’ll try this later on, cause I already rearranged all my transitions to avoid possible issues in tomorrow gig :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update @Akrilovy. Looking forward to hearing more.

Me too I’m away on holiday but I do have a wedding as soon as I get back so I’ll test it then . I know I do have that turned on at the moment

Did this get fixed in the latest update? I have read through things but not sure on the wording.

This was not fixed in 5.2. The team has not been able to replicate this issue yet so we really need a video showing it before we can begin working on a fix. Thanks.

Soooo, I finally got video footage f the issue. I purposely left in the first time I did it, and it was working and the second time it didn’t work it jumped a bar before the hot que. Another issue I had last night was when I mentioned before where Loop is playing and I hit a performance pad and nothing happens and I need to hit it a few times and then it jumps a bit later.

Hi @Nubium thanks for the video and additional info. I’ve passed this onto engineering.

I also want to add, that enabling “deactivate loop while jumping out” actually made things worse. When hitting perfomance pad it exits the loop and just proceeds to play towards the end of the song instead of jumping to my hot cue point close to the beginning. Intermittent issue, but hell it pisses me off.


I finally managed to replicate my problem that skips the beats,
Device model iPad 10 inch
Version of operating system iOS 17.3
Version of djay 5.1.7
Hardware/controllers used Hercules Inpulse 500

Thanks for the additional info @Akrilovy

Thanks for the video @DJ_Reinaldo_Hits. This is very helpful.

By any chance quantize here is set to 4 beats? I had something similar when i just started using the software and was experimenting

On my video above, my quantities is set to one beat. Sometime it won’t jump to a hot cue at all I have to keep pressing the performance button, hoping it will move, and sometimes it will jump for beats before the hot cue. It’s really bizarre. I’ve been using Serrato and Denon For years and never had any problems with hot cue jumping.

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