Hot Cue Jumping to 1 bar before when jumping out of a Loop

I’m gigging the next couple of nights and I’m a little apprehensive to update to this version. However, the older version is having problems with jumping to a hot Q after being in an auto loop and sometimes generally just stuttering. Can anyone confirm that this is working well on their iOS device?

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disable quantize as a workaround, I belive since it was not announced as “fixed” it’s still there.


Myself, I decided that since there wasn’t any major changes that would benefit me, I would stick with the old version for now, since you never know :))

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I’ll test for you and get back


One question. Do you have “saved loops” mapped or “activated loops” mapped. I map mine to saved loops as it triggers when I need it to. I have more control over loops I feel this way and also can use hot cues with no issues. I have I pad pro 12.9 5th edition M1. Take a look and see how your loops are mapped.

the bug we ecounter is something different. The issue is exiting(jumping out of the loop) at the time when the loop is close to restart itself. The quantization is preventing the jump out and just restarts the loop 7 out of 10 times if you do this almost on the beat. With quantization off this works as expected. It has nothing to do with the saved loops.

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Hi @Nubium, @Akrilovy and @Dysfunk_DJ, I’ve moved your discussion out of the 5.2.9 release notes to here. I believe this is the correct topic, but let me know if it isn’t.


Also, @Nubium, I played a 2.5hr set last night on an iPad Pro M4, with iOS 18.3.1, djay 5.2.9 and a Reloop Mixtour Pro. I used Neural Mix EQs, loops, hot cues, Instant FX, Manual FX and the Looper while playing music from Beatport, SoundCloud, Apple Music and Local Music. I didn’t experience any unexpected behaviour with djay 5.2.9. However, keep in mind that I also haven’t been able to replicate the issues you’ve been experiencing in the past on my setup. Anyway, I hope that helps.

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OK, thanks for the update. I don’t know what else to say. However, I have an ant that little hiccups occur after around three or four hours of playing for some reason.

You’re welcome @Nubium

I found this to be also sync related. When that happens try switching sync off, that helps.

Thanks for sharing this @Akrilovy

What cue point settimg do you have. I have auto play on and all seems ok?

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Good suggestion @Dysfunk_DJ

I have auto play off because that’s just what I’m used to

Try it to see if makes a difference

I would rather it just gets fixed and it should work how it should work. I don’t really want to have to test it for hours at home and it being an intermittent problem. I don’t wanna go out gigging and have the hot cues auto playing when that’s not the way I Dj.

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