How to Add Folder via Files App Source (iOS and OneDrive)

  • Device model iPad 9th gen
  • iPadOS 17.4.1 (latest)
  • Version of djay 5.1.6
  • No hardware connected

I’m trying to add a folder for tracks to my library on iOS and it appears there is no way to actually select a folder. If I long-press the folder it produces a menu with no suitable option to add, while a tap just takes me into the folder. There are no other affordances once inside the folder to add it, unless I’m missing something? The options on the long-press menu are just these:

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I see there was a previous issue with this that was fixed in January, but maybe it has crept back in again?

Hi @mikeb187, it’s a little unclear from your description exactly what you’re trying to do. Can you please try to capture a video of this or at least share some screenshots? On my setup, I’m able to add Folders within the My Collection source and within the Files source:

In the Files source I can Add Folder on the left as you show in the second snap, but then in the files and folders panel that then appears I can’t select an actual folder. I’ll post a snap shortly, just on the move currently

Okay. Once you are directed to the Files App from within djay, selected the folder in the Locations>On My iPad that you want to add. Finally choose the Open icon at the top right to add it to djay.

Oh I see that does work in normal local folders, it’s not available for the folder I want to include which is in OneDrive. Is that just not supported? The whole folder structure is marked Available Offline so I was hoping djay would treat it like a normal file system folder

I see individual files only can be added from OneDrive, ok I’m out of luck there

I recommend that you use the Files app to copy the folder from OneDrive to On my iPad then add it to djay.

This is pretty horrible, I’m finding. I pay for OneDrive and that’s my master cloud storage, too big a deal to change. I have just 5GB of iCloud unless I pay for that as well, which doesn’t get me very far. If I could access the full file system of the iPad via USB from Windows then I could use any software I wanted to sync direct to the internal storage, but iOS is locked down to prevent that. Copying the entire structure on the iPad each time I update the OneDrive master music folder is not viable, and it also means I would be using twice the internal storage on the iPad.

I can’t believe it’s that hard to support Add Folder from OneDrive if the devs have done it for iCloud, is there any chance of getting this on the roadmap do you think?

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Hi @mikeb187,

  1. Let me check with the engineering team to see if they have any suggestions regarding OneDrive. Honestly, in my many years on this forum, I can’t recall anyone ever asking about OneDrive support.
  2. Having said that, in my personal experience, it’s much better to manage you local music library using iTunes/Music on your laptop and syncing via a wired connection to your iPad. Again, in my experience, even iCloud has issues from time to time keeping your local library perfectly synced. I’ve just found the iTunes/Music route to be the most reliable and convenient in the long run.

This has actually bothered me before, and the topic has also been raised several times here in the forum. It’s not just about being able to record entire folders, but also, for me at least, being able to stream the tracks without having to download them first. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work even when using iCloud, at least not when I last tried it. Even if you have access to your entire music collection via iTunes Match, you can only use these tracks in Djay if they are stored locally on the device.

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Hi @mikeb187, you might find this FAQ helpful:

Thanks, I did see that. I’m wondering whether I could just restructure my master folders to a flatter structure with just a few subfolders so I could group-select the files in there more easily. There are some duplicate names in my existing collection which I’d have to resolve, but it’s not impossible. It scares me to use iTunes, my wife has had it delete lots of tracks randomly on her Mac, stuff she’d ripped from her own CDs years ago and it just decides to lose the files.

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Hi @mikeb187, I spoke with the engineering team regarding OneDrive:

Third party file providers like OneDrive and Google Drive don’t currently support access to entire folders. There is, unfortunately, nothing we can do about it on our side. It’s up to Microsoft to implement support for it.