How to use an external usb/wireless drive with iPad for Djay app?

I can confirm that the personal cloud Drive DOES work with the iPad and DJAY pro. I have not done extensive testing though. There is still the problem of finding things, and not being able to see the full track information only the filename. But, for 200 bucks you can have a 5 TB iPad based DJ rig as long as your directory structure, and filenames are well organized

I am finishing up the rig this week, then hope to have time to do a video this weekend…

I agree 100% I already have the camera connection kit and FILES can read the drive

Seagate Wireless Plus and San Disk Wireless connect could be great candidates as sources for audio outside iTunes library.

That would also let you play tracks that you did not program before going to the gig, the only thing you need is to copy the files to the drive.

If apps like Fuse, AcePlayer or AVPlayer can do it, then Algoriddim can do it !

If you don’t have the USB-C iPad Pro but have an iPhone or iPad that runs iOS 13, you can just buy the Lightning/USB adapter and you’re good.

With iOS 13, iPhones and iPads are now close to computers in a pocket. This version is a big and welcome milestone both for iOS and Djay.

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With djay2 Version 2.7 from 23.11.2014 should work much more easier then before, right? They added ‘my files’ to pick directly from iCloud or via any other cloud App like “readdle documents”. May someone confirm my very first testings?

You’ll need iOS 8.1. at least, latest DJay2 app and readdle documents app (free). In the readdle app you can connect dropbox, icloud and also wireless hdd’s.

In the djay app choose then ‘my files’ and tap oon’documents’. Then network and now you should see all available files, if done the named steps before. I just tried it with dropbox over the documents app.

No need to ‘open with/in’ circumstances!

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So, happy new year to everyone first.
I used the free time to order a seagate wireless plus and also a wd my passport wifi hdd. First attempts were not satisfying me :frowning:

The manufacture’s own apps didn’t allow to ‘open with’ and also the apps are not integrate themselves in the djay’s “my files” dialogue. I still have there Dropbox and readdle wich I explained a few posts upper. BUT: you guys suspect it right - all files have to been downloaded before, then could be used directly by the djay app :frowning:

OMG, what pls. could be as difficult to hit the apple rules but also satisfy a lot of DJ-user like me wich already bought the largest iPad Version (128GB) but want to use iPad/djay2/wego3 a bit more then just a good backup solution?!???

No, there is NO download when using this solution. It works, but I’m looking another solution by using the new ‘my files’ button in djay 2 wich makes using files on external drives much more comfortable as long as it will not be implemented by algoriddim :frowning:

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Yes, seems to work similar to my experiences with “readdle documents-app”. But all those workarounds can never be as comfortable as having i direct load control by djay 2 app! Here i can see and (if needed) sort by bpm, artist, title and anything like this.

And: try this (like shown in your vid) by using mixed songs (one internal, one by goodreader). My experience: Sometimes it will load to wrong deck when this isn’t properly stopped and then?!??

Hi and Hello @ All.
A few month ago i had both Wireless HDDs from Seagate and WD ordered and finally decided to keep the WD my Passport Wireless cause of the additional SD-Card-Slot.

Now I asked WD why they aren’t supported or why the are not support the djay 2 App as well as it seems to work with the seagate app.

Answer: “It’s not on our Side, is the decission of algoriddim what and it which way they support other apps”!

Is this right? Then please also add the possibiliy to reach the WD my Cloud App which is handling the WD my Passport Wireless HDD! Thanks.

did you use the Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter and you plug your Seagate hard disk?

which model of iPad do you use?

How about…

Jailbroken iPad, iFile, The Camera USB adapter mentioned above, and possibly pwntunes to bring the files into your iTunes (without the need to plug into your PC pr Mac)?

I use iFile and pwnTunes on my Jailbroken iPhone to validate music files into my iTunes library, it works well… surely this would also make the mp3 files available in Djay app?

I’ve not 'broken my iPad yet but tempted.

I recently found out it’s illegal to jailbreak an iPad. You can legally jailbreak an iPhone, but it’s deemed illegal for iPads.
In either case, it voids the apple warranty.
I waited until my warranty expired then 'broke my old iPhone. It’s quite simple, and can be restored back to normal with no way of tracing if it had ever been jailbroken. There are some useful tweaks, but not enough to make me jailbreak my current phone… most of the features of standard ios7 incorporate the 'broke tweaks I liked anyway.

Unfortunately there is currently no way to use external USB drives with an iPad.

Hoy about mp3 files in hdd airport extreme from apple?

Hi. Is it possible to use Jetdrive Go od Transcend?

I use djay 2 (iPad) and connect it to my home MyCloud device.

I use the app called filebrowser. When you see the file you want in filebrowser, just click on the list on the right side and choose “open in”. Then djay 2 will be one of your choices. It will always load to the open deck.

Works perfectly and no files are stored on your ipad. All are played via the cloud.

Anyone need a video of this? Glad to do it if it will help.


Sorry guys, no longer using this software since there is no support for Denon controllers. I use it occasionally but not willing to create a video for software that seems to be no longer improved upon.