Interest check for Lexicon DJ with Djay Pro support

Hi everyone!

My name is Christiaan and I’m the founder and developer of Lexicon. I’m here because I would like to add support for Djay Pro (Windows & macOS) to Lexicon and I wanted to check interest on that before working on it. I figured I may as well ask in the Djay forum where the biggest Djay fans are :slight_smile:

If you don’t know what Lexicon is, it is advanced library management made for DJs and by the DJ community with lots of tools to help with and fix most of your digital DJ problems.

My main question is what you guys find most important when using Lexicon together with Djay? Is it conversion to other DJ apps or library management? Or something else? I want to create a seamless experience so knowing what is imporant for Djay users will help there.

And if anyone would like to beta test this (for free) when I have something ready, drop a line here to stay updated! I’ll post updates on progress here when I have something to share.



It looks very interesting @Christiaan


Hi Christiaan,

Yes, I’d be very interested to test. I’ve already done some workaround testing that I’ve discussed in your Discord channel.

Playlist management and Library management is somewhat lacking, which I’m hoping to see improvements on.

But right now I can’t “import” a playlist so everything is having to be created from scratch on the iOS platform. But I’m using the Lexicon Mobile App as the vehicle (and repository!) for my Djay Pro iOS collection of files. (I do not and will not use streaming services or iTunes.)

Kind regards,



What features am I missing in DJ software? Or third party software that supports DJ software?

Features that RB has, but algoriddim, lexicon does not,

  • export of library/selected playlists to a pendrive for pioneer DJ players - with cues/loops,
  • import of meta-data about cues/loops from a pendrive to the library (you can download new cues for playlists - after a set in the club),
  • multi-platform CLOUD service (RB via Dropbox works great in the RB ecosystem, I can prepare playlists on PC (windows), play private parties from the controller (mac-book), club parties from a pendrive (export of selected lists to USB), and while traveling I can edit playlists on an Android phone.

When working with Lexicon I would like to
Preserve the playlist structures from RB to Algoriddim, what do I mean? Leaving the playlists in the same order (not alphabetical sorting). Transferring cues/loops. I could manage the entire playlist via LEXICON, if it could this is what I wrote above.


Am so glad to hear this - Lexicon is amazing and I would be interested in being a beta tester :+1: :grin:

Conversion of Lexicon library would be my wish list winner. Currently I export to Rekordbox from Lexicon then convert from there to DJP using the DJ Conversion Utility. It does the job but is a clunky workflow. Otherwise I have done along the lines of the suggestions made in the Discord from @James_Gillies (thanks man)

Unfortunately once into Djay Pro is where things fall apart a bit with the often discussed library management and sync issues between Mac and iOS. But that’s a DJP thing. Lexicon excels at what it is in terms of being a preparation and library management platform. My two cents.


Current subscriber to Lexi for over a year. Love the program. Have converted from Serato to djay in that period and have been using the export to Apple Music workaround to use in DJAY. I also export to Serato crates pre gig as a bag up.

I’m happy with this current workflow…I’m just not sure within DJAY what the added benefits of using My Collections playlists would be over Apple Music…perhaps someone can share? I know you can pull tracks from multiple streaming services into a Collections playlist…but I thought Lexi is capable of that too? What are the other benefits of using my collections?

Outside of that I’d be happy to be a beta tester. Always appreciate you answering my Qs in the discord too!

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@Christiaan I have been subscribed to Lexicon the last 2-3 years. I use VDJ, Prime, Rekordbox, Serato, and I did all my events this past year exclusively on DJay on iPad. I ould love for Lexicon to be compatible with DJay.

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I yearn for a powerful music management system however I do incorporate streaming services along with my own files.
Apple Music is the only current service that can offer both worlds but I’m not a fan and don’t use it.
Any software I would be prepared to pay for would have to accommodate both formats.


Yes this much needed! Djay is one of the best Djay Software up to date

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Well I have used Djay for almost a year now, so anything that enhances my djing experience with djay pro especially the library and the match songs function would be a dream come true, please go ahead and blow our minds, cause am here to stay with djay pro for eternity.


@Christiaan Thank you for your interest! I’ve been waiting for software to accomplish conversion from Djay Pro to Engine DJ and vice versa. IMO the beatgrids are going to be the complication, but are essential in order for cues and loops to be correct.

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Hi Christian, Lexicon is amazing and I used it for years. One of the big drawbacks for converting from Serato or VDJ to Djay Pro is the painful library conversion and preserving accurate cue points, loops etc. I made the move to DJay Pro, but it required a lot of trickery and look lots of time. Library management is very important too ( removing duplicates and finding lost tracks). Looking forward to a seamless tool!


Thanks for your replies! I’ll keep everyone updated here when I have something new


there is one more thing i would love to see, the ability to identify tracks that relate to each other, maybe by color or something that would make life easier after making your playlist, so that your attention would be mainly focus on making perfect mixes for your audience, just imagine strolling through your many playlist just focusing on looking for colored related items, it can’t get easier than that.


Something liked related tracks in Rekordbox? It’s on ideas list for Lexicon so it might happen in the future


You would need to persuade algoriddim to up their game in the library management department, something that none have us on here have managed to date.
At present it would only function as a playlist generator. Djay has no advanced or custom tagging features so filtering searches would be incredibly limited.
Nevertheless I sincerely hope you achieve some success with this one and get them to take notice.
Good luck.


With a few softwares other than djay having inferior versions of dynamic beat gridding, if there’s a way to export the dynamic grids from djay to those DJ apps that have the ability to do some form of the dynamic gridding manually. Ie, traktor, rb, engine DJ, I would chop off my left *** for this :slight_smile:


Woah, the new Engine DJ 4.2.0 update with stems will certainly add more complexity.


It’s surprising that you’re still deliberating on whether to proceed with this, especially given the numerous enquiries and your repeated statements that work had already begun on several occasions.

Djay Pro is rapidly becoming a dominant force in the DJ software market, and delaying further risks being left behind – and, unfortunately, that’s a very real possibility.


I thought that lexicon was all ready working with Djay Pro. Im I wrong or was it not working for the Djay Pro 5.0 version???