Introduce a Song Playlist Favorites Bank

Thanks a lot, @Slak_Jaw, for your responsiveness. :star_struck: Hopefully, the dev team also sees the benefits here and it’s not too complicated to implement.

You’re welcome @DJ_Big_Blender

That’s a great feature bc you don’t need to click in and out of crates, you can view all of them at the same time and cross reference quickly. Please add that to the playlist bank where you have the option to view all playlists in the bank at the same time.


DJ_Big_Blender, In case you didn’t know about this feature, you can use a single click key command to jump to the first or first and second letter of your crates. If a crate has the same letter as a key command to do something in the software, I simply use a modifier key for those actions and save the single click letters or numbers for crates.

Thanks for you support @Donn !! And also for the tip about single key command.
(Please also vote for this request in the upper left corner!)

This is an essential feature and preventing me from switching to DJP as my main dj software, thanks

Welcome @Vijay_Edwin ! How are you using Djay?

I want to use Djay Pro as a Traktor replacement as I dj with midi controllers. My workflow is using streaming services to find music and adding them to playlists, and then using these playlists to perform. I also like being able to add curated lists eg from beat posts to my playlist view. Having access to these playlists easily visible and switching at a moments notice is crucial for me. Having some concept of a preparation lists (playlist to ad hoc) would also be appreciated . Thanks in advance

Thanks for sharing your ideal way of working.

For me I would even say that a bank of 12 shortcuts to playlist is even a bit too low. I would say that about 18 would be more ideal for my way of working.

Hi there folks!
It seems so quiet on the development side of Algoriddum DJ

Is there any progress to report on this suggestion for a Playlist Favorites Bank?

Hi @DJ_Big_Blender, thanks for your continued interest in this feature suggestion. In general Algoriddim does not share timelines or roadmaps for djay development. Essentially, new features are only announced when they are released in a djay update; not before. All user suggestions are considered and carefully evaluated, but not all can be implemented for various reasons. Please refer to the attached discussion for more details. Thanks!

Thanks! I understand it’s not easy to manage all suggestions, don’t have development make overhours and keep all users happy all at the same time, but on the other hand all the innovative, valuable and very involved users are being kept in the dark now.

I think that dj’s that jumped on the djay bandwagon are soo brave to use djay (despite some pittfalls) and so are all early adapters. They have to be well informed to keep them involved. Only in that way the will become advocated for the for algoriddim dj for the whole community.

That’s my opinion. Again keeping all of the user community left in the dark guessing when there will be a new release and what will be in there is playing with fire.

E.g. I am waiting for this playlist feature a few months now, but it’s crucial for my workflow in order to use djay (with Reloop Mixon) for live gigs. When it takes too long I will stop being enthousiastic about djay and go to use other software.

Please tell this to your management and let them re-evaluate the release and involvement policy…

You’re community is your team of early adopters. Please don’t waste that.

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I see its a been a year and we still don’t have that feature :triumph::sob::triumph::sob::triumph::sob::triumph::sob:

I know your all about ingeniity and bringing the latest technolegy with Meta but please also regard the day to day hard working DJs that need the basic browsing features in the program. That would help tremendously :raised_hands:t2:

So here I am bringing it up again.

Context: I’m preparing myself for an event and i want to focus only some playlists and have the ability to move between them quickly - i dont need all my playlists. Plus i dont want to move them from their original place or duplicate them.
Having a “Favorites” Bar or Folder would solve that. A way to “Favorite” a playlist that would appear there and to remove it from there easily!

In Traktor I have the ability to SCROLL THROUGH the Favorite Tab with a spesific button on the cotroller, for example, Shift + Knob Turn on the browser knob - would swith between on the Favorites.

Also - Pressing the specific playlist from the Favorites Tab also shows that playlist in the browser on the left (As shown in Traktor example)

An Exmaple From Traktor:

An Example From Lexicon:

Would literally improve my Djing and my life in general ngl!!!

Thanks & Happy Holidays

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Thanks for the additional feedback @Alon_Sharir1. I’ve passed this onto the devs.

Hi DJ À La One (@Alon_Sharir1) and others.

I appreciate you finding my original idea of the Favorites Bank from a year ago and supporting it again. It’s an idea born out of the practical need for efficient access to curated playlists during performances without disrupting their original organization. It’s frustrating to see that despite user support and multiple requests over the past year, this feature hasn’t been implemented yet—amongst a lot of other suggestions from me and other users.

Unfortunately Algoriddim seems to focus on flashy, cutting-edge technology like Meta and VisionOS compatibility, but for me, this feels more like a distraction. These features are interesting in theory but cater to a niche, futuristic audience, not the day-to-day needs of working DJs.

Meanwhile, essential improvements that would make working with djay much more efficient and easier—such as better playlist management, improved sound quality, better iTunes integration, the addition of a “Hot Play”, beter overall usability, etc —are consistently being ignored or at best postponed. We don’t know, because in fact there is no open communication about this

A lot of DJs put their trust in djay, hoping that bugs and other shortcomings would be addressed shortly, but going through all the recent suggestions it just feels like far too little development effort has been allocated to fundamental ease of use and usability enhancements. For professional users like us, there are still a lot of “basics” missing. These aren’t the groundbreaking innovations; they’re just the simple, quality-of-life improvements that would make djay a more reliable and professional tool.

It’s also disappointing that Algoriddim doesn’t provided a clear, transparent roadmap for development.

The only thing we often hear when making a suggestion is, “I’ve passed this onto the devs.” That feels a bit like tossing a coin into a wishing well: you have no idea if anything will actually happen, and you’re left wondering if your wish will ever come true. A better understanding of their priorities would go a long way in addressing the frustration many of us feel.

Anyhow now that I got that of my chest I would thank you for supporting this feature again—let’s hope that with enough voices, Algoriddim will dedicate more time and resources needed to implement the simple day-to-day practical, user-focused improvements like this, because they will make the life of a DJ much easier.

DJ Big Blender

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Thanks for the additional feedback @DJ_Big_Blender. I’ll share this with the dev team.

Please also refer to this topic:

Hi Slak_Jaw!

Have you noticed there’s several post always requesting a similar feature like Type Ahead? They all want to get to crates faster. A few dj’s mentioned banks that you can put crates in for quick access but I’m not sure if they know about Type Ahead. The difference is there are limits to how many crates you can put in a bank, but with Type Ahead is endless bc it goes by naming.

If you want to get to your favorite crates quickly, dj’s can tag the crate name specificly for favorite crates and use Type ahead to quickly access them.


Thanks for the input @Donn