iPad Pro + Reloop Flux

iOS 17.6.1

I just wanted to report the excellent integration when using the Reloop Flux with my iPad Pro.

At the moment, I am using it with a Numark dj2go as the midi controller and streaming the djay visualizer.
At first, I was having latency issues and audio drop outs. I was also having a quick static sound when cue’ing.
It was usable, but not perfect.
I did some research here in the community forums and found that turning Bluetooth off on my iPad might help, well, it sure did.

I’m experiencing NO latency or dropouts.

I plan on downloading Serato time code and putting it on flash drives to control djay with my XDJ-700s (replacing the Numark dj2go) tonight.

Next week, or maybe Friday, I want to buy the Serato control vinyl and test the Flux with my Technics.

I will report my findings with time code.

But so far, I’m happy.


Excellent! Thanks for sharing @DJ_Chris_Argueta

Hi everyone,
Is it possible to use Reloop Flux with iPad pro?

Forum search:

Hi @Enricoiac.62, please use search before creating new topics. I have merged your new topic with this existing one. Thanks!

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I Pad pro work perfectly with Reloop Flux and Djay Pro Algoriddim
I used Serato and Djay pro vinyl

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Thanks for sharing @Enricoiac.62

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