Issues with importing Serato's Crates into Djay 5.2.1 (UPDATED)

Hi Guys,

A few issues with importing crates from serato!

first off:

Device Model Macbook Pro M1 2020
Version of operating system : Monterey 12.3.1
Version of djay 5.2.1
Hardware/controllers used Rane Four

  1. For some reason - I can’t see all the crates. Only Some are shownig up - and very randomly.

this is the crates inside djay:

these are the crates in Serato for comparision:
Screen Shot 2024-07-23 at 20.26.56

  1. Djay bumping up a message on restart that it doesnt have access to filepathes that doesnt exist anymore. So if i have missing file in Serato library from old harddrives etc, Djay keeps asking access to these places that doesnt exist.

it does have full access to the computer.

Hi @Alon_Sharir1, when creating new topics, please do not forget to answer the questions in our template with specific details about your setup not just “iPad” or “Latest Version”. This helps all of our community moderators to provide the most effective support to users with the utmost efficiency. Thanks!

Device Model (ex. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen):
Version of operating system (ex. iOS 17.3.1):
Version of djay (ex. 5.1.3):
Hardware/controllers used (ex. Reloop Ready):

Can you please also try updating to the recently released djay 5.2.1 and check if this issue persists? Thanks!

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Hi @Slak_Jaw,
Thanks, i’ve updated the topic wit h all the relvant information.

The issue persists even with 5.2.1.


Thanks for the information @Alon_Sharir1. I have forwarded this to the engineering team to see if they can reproduce the issue and offer any suggestions. I’ll report back here when I have news. Thanks!

Hi @Alon_Sharir1, I spoke with engineering and they think this is possibly related to your crates being on an external drive. The Crates source can only access crates in the ~/Music/_serato_ folder. However, in the soon to be released djay 5.2.2 we’ve added the option to be able to import crates into My Collection from external drives, but the Crate source will still only support ~/Music/_serato_ . I hope that helps. Thanks!

The Problem is still the same!! I have All my music on external ssd and have copied the external serato folder to internal serato folder to Check this some Month before.
Djpro is looking for direkt folder in /foldername but in Mac its /nameofdisk/folder Name or /user/volumes/nameofdisk/… So djpro not know its the same. Otherwise it will See We have give Full access Full Rights on external disk. So it’s a problem with internal linking of database, copy the crates is no Sollution. Djpro See all crates, but cant get Full access for the linkes folders

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Would be appreciated if the developers focused on getting the serato crate source integration to accept external sources. The import feature is at this point in time useless for me.

Just to be sure the efforts are prioritised properly :slight_smile:

I have the exact same problem, but I have only 4 crates that need me to allow access for. The rest seem fine. Why would most of them work, but four of them don’t? All the same drive, same library.

You have All tracks and crates on external drive?

Thanks for the additional feedback @Sascha_Rowlin, @Kasper and @Zack_101. I have forwarded this to the engineering team to see if they can reproduce the issue and offer any suggestions. I’ll report back here when I have news. Thanks!

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Yes. What is the results of converting we are looking for? How is this supposed to work?

I ignored those folders and went ahead with the conversion.Anyways… nothing really showed and in the Serato crates, but I got a playlist and It was called my crates, and it had all of my tracks in it.

Is that it? The playlist included the folders that djay wanted to permission from, so im confused.

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A few glitches, yes. check my comment down here…

Hi @Slak_Jaw ,
The problem persists.
The music is only on MY LOCAL HD, and i’ve deleted any tracks that were on and external HD’s. Idont get the message that i see above, BUT →

Still, i’m only seeing a random PARTIAL parts of my crates library and not all of them.
Something to do with the data that appears on Djay is not “refreshed” or updated to whats happening in Serato.

For some reason, after iv’e added some songs and rearranged some of crates, iv’e opened up Djay and a few more crates were added RANDOMLY.

It’s like it doesnt update fully on Djay, where you supped sto see all of your crates of Serato.

Would very much appriciate any help with this, this is the only thing keeping me stuck from fully preforming with Djay.

Thanks! and thank you to the engenireeing team. :raised_hands:t2:

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Hi @Alon_Sharir1, thanks for the additional info. I’ve passed this onto engineering for further review. I’ll report back when I have news. Thanks!

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Hi again @Alon_Sharir1, are you using the Crates source or the Crates importer? Only the importer has support for external HDs. Here’s how to use the importer:

Does the importer re-analyse imported tracks or does it use serato metadata ?

@Kasper it re-analyzes.

Hey man,
Again, not using any external HD’s.
And also did this the way you suggested - and still, i also see a partial list of my crates and not all fo them (and pretty random too)

Thanks @Alon_Sharir1, I’ll pass this onto engineering.

How many other partitions do u have other than “MY LOCAL HD”?

If more:
Am guessing (just a guess), that serato has another serato folder in those partitions?
Djay only sees the one in ~Music~ folder by default