Issues with RANE Four + Suggestions

Hi @Alon_Sharir1, Thanks for the detailed information and video. This is very helpful. I have forwarded this to the engineering team to see if they can reproduce the issues and offer any suggestions. I’ll report back here when I have news. Thanks!


Hi again @Alon_Sharir1, I spoke with engineering:

  1. Pad LEDs: the dev team was able to reproduce this and will investigate this further.
  2. Inst. FX mapping: Can you please try mapping like this (in this case Deck 1):
    a. Open the midi settings, click “configure RANE 4”
    b. Click the pad mode switch button, you want to change (e.g. sampler button)
    c. Assign that button to “pad mode instant FX”
    d. Now tap each performance pad and assign it to Instant FX, meaning
    i. Tap Pad 1, change target to Deck 1, Change Action to Instant FX 1
    ii. Tap Pad 2, change target to Deck 1, Change Action to Instant FX 2
    iii. etc…
  3. Assign sampler to Deck 4: This is expected behavior; djay can’t perform this function.
  4. Filter: the dev team will investigate this further.
  5. Acapella / Instrumental LEDs: the dev team will investigate this further.

Hello! It’s been more than 7 days since my last reply. I’m going to consider this topic completed for now so I can focus on others. However, please feel free to respond and we can definitely revisit this. Thanks!

Hi @Slak_Jaw,
Thanks for replaying!

I have a lot of input about the Rane Four, if any one from the dev team would like to contact me personally, in a chat maybe, I could clarify and reproduce some of these issues much easier.

With that being said,

  1. Regarding the Inst. FX mapping:
    What you suggested does not work and the reason is -
    for some reason, after configured the way you saidm when in “Pad Mode Hotcue” (or any other pad mode) it DOUBLE TRIGGERS both that actaion AND the designated pad fx.
    For example, if i press hot cue 1, it also activates pad fx 1.

and also, the colors of tha pads dont update - they are sutkc on whever pad mode camebefore them.

And, another issue appeared.

  1. No jog wheel screen info when switching control to deck 4 or 3.
    Meaning - when swithing the control on the controller for the diffrent decks, it doenst show that info on the round screen in the middle of the jog wheel of the controllers.

Your and the teams availbility is much appriciated.

Hi @Alon_Sharir1, you’re welcome! Thanks for the additional feedback and info. I’ve passed this onto the devs for review.

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Hi @Slak_Jaw , one more update. (please read and tell the guys for the next update! :pray:t2:)

Ive’ just Updated to 5.2.2

Pad Mode Fx - still doesnt work
STILL, issue is the same. when choosing “pad mode fx” (on any pad mode button)
it doenst automatically change to the decks inst. fx
EVEN if I do the method you suggested (assaigning each button manually under the pad mode) , it does show the names of the fx BUT acts as a double trigger in other pad modes - meaning when i press the hot cue 1, it also trigggers hot cue 1 even if its not the same assiagnment.

Filter Knob Behaviour

ALMOST fixed!
One type iof behaviour is indeed fixed (which is awesome), when you can “turn off” the filter with the manual buttons - works.
BUT(!) it still activates the filter even in NOISE or FLANGER (which it shouldnt) when you twists the knob. FOR REFERENCE - Please refer to Searto - there is works just the way it is supposed (no filter software filter is applied when turning the FLANGER or NOISE knob modes.)

Thanks! <3

Thanks for the additional feedback @Alon_Sharir1. Can you please try to capture a video of these, upload it to your Google Drive/Dropbox, enable sharing permissions, then share a link to the video here? Then I will pass this onto the devs. Thanks!

Hi @Slak_Jaw
As Requsted (i’m determined to fix these haha):

  1. First video - Filter Knob small problem and Inst. Fx Issue:
  1. 2nd Video, no visual deck switch on screen and serato crates dont show correctly/fully
  1. 3rd Video, Pad lights are off after switching from stem split mode

Perfect! Thanks @Alon_Sharir1. I’ve shared this all with the devs.

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Hi @Alon_Sharir1, sorry for the delayed reply. I spoke with engineering regarding these issues.

  1. Filter Knob: we had a look and decided this was the most appropriate mapping in the context of djay even though it doesn’t exactly match Serato.
  2. Deck Switch Display: we were unable to reproduce this issue. Can you please confirm you are running the latest RANE Four firmware and what the exact version is?
  3. Instant FX Pad Mode: we are investigating this further and will likely update the build-in MIDI Mapping to address it.

EDIT: please note that the RANE Four has different firmware versions for the different internal components. Please update to the newest one on the RANE website which is listed there as v1.7.0.8 (Latest Version)

I noticed the same experience on my Rane 4 with the firmware updated to the latest version.

@Alon_Sharir1 Thanks for starting this awesome thread. I was just about to post some of these issues and you already captured most of them.

@Slak_Jaw thanks for all your help with all the issues we bring up. I’m noticing the following with my RANE Four (btw I have the latest firmware, and I’m running DJay v5.2.3)

Deck Switch Display: I can confirm what @Alon_Sharir1 reported: Changing decks from 1 to 3 and 2 to 4 does not change the jogwheel display accordingly. See Video

Stem Split on Decks 3 & 4: Toggling Stem Split when on decks 3 or 4 moves the track over to decks 1 or 2, respectively. See Video

FX Tempo Control for Decks 3 & 4: I’m unable to set FX to the track tempo when I switch to decks 3 & 4. It is always set to what’s on Tracks 1 or 2. See Video

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Maybe this will help: I mapped the Pad FX to “Scratch bank” with all features:

You have to set the Right Button mapping under “Scratch FX Bank” than it will work as expected.

you can Download the Mapping here. Dropbox Mapping

I also changed the Beatjump: Buttons changes the length and the knob is using for Beatjump!

Also if you touch the Library Knob it will extend the Window and the Button next to the Knob will load the Track.

You’re welcome @thecovenantchild. Thank you for the additional info and videos. This is very helpful. I’ve passed these onto engineering.

THANK YOU! I will try this tonight!

Hi @thecovenantchild, can you please confirm your exact OS and provide complete details about your device?

Hello @Slak_Jaw! 2022 MacBook Pro with Apple M2 Chip & 16 GB Memory. Running Sonoma 14.6.1

Thanks for that @thecovenantchild.

New Version 5.2.4 is out now. Added official support for instant fx on scratch bank


See linked topic below for more details: