ITunes Playlist Folders

Hey! We need this feature asap! For me it is impossible to use at the moment. I can remember former versions had this feature and also the opportunity to load Songs directly from the Cloud into your ituneslibrary and the djay app.


Another push for this, as a Voiceover user with no sight being organised with playlists is key.

I donā€™t have the luxury of scrolling at speed and visually scanning the list of playlists, so when they are all laid out in a ā€œflatā€ fashion it take forever to scroll through them all in turn trying to locate what I want.

Please continue to get Apple to open access to folders, the Mac version works perfectly for this, just need the IOS version to catch up.


Seems like this is resolved with the update to 4.0.3 :heart_eyes: djay 4.0.3 (iOS)

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Thatā€™s right, @djjoejoe! Thanks for pointing that out on this thread. :raised_hands:

I see they now nested the playlist folders, but there is still an issue. It does not display the same as Apple musicā€¦
Say for example I have a folder calledā€¦
In that folder I have playlists for Classic Country, Slow Country, bro-country, Rockabilly etcā€¦
Those separate playlists now show up under the top level Country folder, but Apple Music will show me everything in all those sub folders if I just select Country (coincidentally Virtual DJ, Serato, and Denon Prime all work the same as well.

So I like the folder structure showing correctly now, I just wish that when you select a level of playlists that everything in all the playlists would show in that upper levelā€¦

I know exactly what youā€™re trying to describe. The Mac version of djay allows for combined nested playlists to show results for all the subfolders you created. However for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, this isnā€™t possible due to a limitation with the mobile devices. It would be nice to see this for mobile devices as well. Maybe if they give us an option to have smart playlists pull from certain folders or playlists. That would give us more customization.

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