iOS: Local Music not working on djay 5.1.5

Yes. App needs an urgent update. Unfortunately it appears updates take at least one week from the time they push the update to Apple.

Guess we’ll have to redo our whole library if we have any gigs during this time.

Interesting additional information -

Songs from the “Files” section load just fine.
These songs are songs I have downloaded from iCloud Drive locally onto my iPhone.

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Thanks for the additional information. This is very helpful and potentially a useful work around in the meantime. Thanks!

The engineering team just reported that they’ve identified the issue and are working on a fix. I’ll share more news when I get it.


This is not a great workaround and would require people to have large iCloud Drive available space……which would require them to pay more….

Fair enough. I said “potentially useful workaround in the meantime”. I was not suggesting this as a long-term fix, but perhaps a short-term workaround for someone who has a gig before the bug is fixed.

Glad to hear the issue has been identified. Hoping for a quick fix and subsequent approval by Apple. :pray:t3:

Should we all anticipate at least a 1 week turnaround for the app to be available for us as end users?

Just trying to plan and prepare. I would need more iCloud space certainly

All I can say is the team is working on it and it will be fixed and released as soon as possible.

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Hello again everyone. We’ve submitted a 5.1.6 update for iOS only and requested an expedited review, which hopefully means the update will go live within the next couple of hours (it will be released automatically once it was approved). Thanks!


A new update just came I updated and now I have no cue points or saved loops. What the heck is going on.

What are you guys doing.

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sorry about that. I have my hot question and loops.

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Did u do the that just came out they just put out.

Thank you. The update fixed my issue entirely. Great work and communication from the team

@MontyJoe hot cues are saved in the djaymedialibrary database. These should be easily recovered. It’s also automatically backed up. Open the Files App and navigate to On My iPad>djay>User Data>Backups.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Error Loading Local Files since 5.1.3 on macOS

iPadOS Version 17.4.1
iPad Pro (11-inch) (3rd generation)
Using djay 5.1.5
Controller BEATPAD2

Have a library of MP3s sync’d locally to my iPad through Apple Music. Stating today I’m getting the following error ‘The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork error -1002.)’. Have looked through every proposed solution so far but they’re either inapplicable to my hardware (Windows or Mac) with the only iPad thread not having a solve. Want to remain calm and not do anything severe yet, can anyone propose a fix?

Ironically looks like it’s Version 5.1.6 that did this, a version whose only patch note is “Fixed error loading certain files from Local Music source”.

Big gig in a week, will be monitoring this thread closely. Any/all help is welcome.

Ha! Unbelievable I just got a software update that fixed it. Are you guys really that quick??

Edit: I think what happened was even though the DJAY app was showing me version 5.1.6 it hadn’t actually INSTALLED it. Did that through the app store and we seem to be in business.

@Holiday_Kirk please use search before creating new topics. I’ve merged yours with this one. Yes, we discovered and fixed the bug last night.

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Anyone one else have this message comes up ( operation could not be completed (kcferror domain-cfnetwork error-1002.) using ipad pro, local library, and it’s only on Dj pro, the latest update on the latest app, no problem on the old djay pro apps and djay 2 and no problem playing music on itunes local, no problem on tidal. and it’s 80% of the music in my local library,

on a side note, do i need to connect my ipad to my controller for ableton link to work?