Meta Quest: Show Virtual Turntables with DJ controller + Questions

  • Device model * Metaquest3*:
  • Version of operating system * Meta Horizon Os*:
  • Version of djay latest Feb 5th 2025:
  • Hardware/controllers used Numark Dj2Go2Touch:

Hey all, 2 hours in using Djay for the Metaquest3 and old school, happy vibes are back. Thank you for the support, (on my project) Algoriddim team.

Questions & Suggestions

  • Can we have the Virtual turntables show when and if a DJ controller is connected?
    the reason is, it looks cool when mirroring the whole display via ’ Meta casting’.
    I only want to use a slim Numark Dj2go2 touch simply for the proper external headphone cue and master out function —and yes, the basic convienance that comes with the controller.

  • If the above is possible or implemented, then would appriciate being able to user define a “pass thru window” for just the controller in the virtual environments.

  • how do we create / load custom artwork for user songs for the floating album “crate”

  • is there a dedicated user manual for Djay for the Metaquest? this would help.

  • Can we save cue points with Djay for the Metaquest?

Thanks so much for what you are doing!

hey guys,
any thoughts on this?

Hi @dirrogate,

  1. Currently this is not possible, but I have previously suggested this myself to the devs. I’ll pass this suggestion along again.
  2. I have also suggested this - great minds think alike apparently :slight_smile:. Currently the pass through cutout size should automatically adjust to the specific controller you are using.
  3. This is not currently possible within the app. You will need to apply your artwork to the song file in advance.
  4. We do not have a user manual, but there is an excellent tutorial built into the app. I highly recommend you go through this as it covers all the main features including Hot Cues.
  5. Yes, you can save Hot Cues in djay for Meta Quest.
    a. With a supported DJ Controller connected, simply press the Hot Cue pads on your device to set Hot Cues.
    b. If you are not using a DJ Controller, press the FX button then the Hot Cue button to bring up the virtual Hot Cue Pads.

I hope that helps!

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@Slak_Jaw Please do! :pray:
The whole point of Virtual SL 1200’s (well they look like 'em) is to show off in clubs and at live venues, even if using controllers. I’ve just ordered a Numark Dj2go2 touch as it’s slick and might come in handy with low light environs.

:slightly_smiling_face:. long shot… but by any chance were you exposed to the Amiga? (carbon dating myself here)

on point 3: How exactly would this be done for the Quest is my question (format of artwork/location on quest to upload to and naming convention)

“Crate Dig” mode? Can we have this —where we can flick through the entire folder of Vinyl as you “scroll” them toward you?

Point 4 / 5: I did go through the excellent beginner in-app tute. and love that we can set hot cues.
is there a way to then “save” these hotcues with the song?
Sort of like prepping for a set later, where when the song is reloaded, it gets populated with the preset hotcues for the song?

Also, in the absence of a manual, how do we clear a hot-cue?

possible bug: I’ve noticed when using the FX box, it expects you to move the cross fader almost all the way to the left or right to affect the track the fx is being applied to? (this reduces/eliminates) the volume of the other track in the mix.
How do we choose which track —in a live mix— the FX is applied to? (or both if possible if Xfader is in center)

Still learning… fascinated.
Many thanks.

P,s a few initial still from what will eventually be an EP: Synaphonic: Kitchen Sync Vol1

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Ok so those who might want to add their own cover art:

When you next fire up Djay, and browse to your own library, it will populate the cover art.
Algoriddim, please let us know ideal dimensions for cover art for Djay for Quest.

What I’d like to know @Slak_Jaw is:

  • How many album covers show in the mid-air “crate”
  • Can we have a scroll mechanism (as i’d mentioned in the previous reply) to simulate “crate digging” / scrolling in VR.
    This would look super cool when casted/projected live and will be great eye-candy and immerse audiences in a performance.

Also what I’ve noticed: when pulling a record from the mid-air record sleeve, the imagery is “flipped” and one has to twist their hand around, to see the label the right way.

Attached, cover art using the process above.

  1. Great suggestion @dirrogate, this too has been previously suggested and the team is looking into it:
  1. After you set hot cues they should be automatically saved and loaded next time you play the track.
  1. Currently the only way to delete a Hot Cue is via a connected DJ Controller. The dev team is aware of this and is already looking at options for deleting hot cues when no controller is connected.
  1. Please note there are Crossfader FX and Cube FX. The MIDI Crossfade FX can be turned On/Off in the Settings menu. In this same menu you can also select the FX Cube Effect. Currently the FX are applied to the Master Output not to individual Decks so there is not a deck select option.
  1. This is currently limited to 8 and cannot be user adjusted. Again the devs are exploring options here too.
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Thank you! well explained.
much appreciated. The numark Dj2go2 should arrive today. can’t wait to dive in.

Please (i know you answered this before) ask the devs to enable the Virtual decks visuals even in controller mode. It makes or breaks (imo) using Djay at live gigs and when video “recording” / casting a performance.

You’re welcome @dirrogate. Will do!

Hi @dirrogate, the 1.1.0 update for Meta Quest has just been released:

• Added new translations: German, French, Spanish, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Japanese
• Added UI controls to delete cue points
• Added support for the all-new Hercules DJ Control Mix Ultra (via USB-C)

• Improved handling of needle drag (now snaps to song segments for easier handling, avoid collision with scratch)
• Improved scratching performance
• Polished various details in environments
• Allow opening library by tapping on the artwork in the display via direct touch
• Improved stability and performance

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Beautiful! @Slak_Jaw.
Will download and check soon.
(currently building the ‘ghetto studio’ where the virtual turntables will be)

The plan is to video-record a performance via the headset in stereoscopic 3d.
Cue point deleting is huge. can’t wait to try.
Please, push for the visuals of the virtual decks to be seen even when using a controller.

It’s the whole reason for having life like ‘digital twins’ of the Sl1200 look alikes. At least put a switch to show /hide the decks, so people with “larger” controllers can keep it off if needed.
Ill be using the slick / sleek Numark Dj2go2 touch.

Sounds good @dirrogate

Tried out the cue points delete feature on Djay for MetaQuest3. Beautiful! :raised_hands:

Now all I’d really love to see is a simple switch to allow display of virtual turntables even if using DJ controllers. ( It just looks super cool to record / cast / project everything) especially when using slim dj controllers from Numark / Hercules.

waiting :crossed_fingers:

Nice! Glad you like the addition @dirrogate. I’ll let you know if the virtual turntables get added when using hardware.

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Hi @dirrogate, I just wanted to let you know that I just found out that Virtual Decks are already supported with the Reloop Mixtour Pro. The team is looking into adding other controllers for this hybrid mode. Other than the Numark DJ2GO2 Touch, which controllers would you like to see added to the hybrid virtual deck mode?

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oh this is great news. I’m assuming you mean the visuals of the actual VR decks and mixer right?
for me it’s just the Dj2go2 touch since I own it.
But a better approach would be to enable the visuals for all decks and a toggle switch in settings to enable / disable display of the VR decks as user choice.

With the Reloop Mixtour Pro connected to the Quest, the virtual mixer is automatically replaced with a cutout that matches the size of the Mixtour Pro. The virtual decks remain on either side of the Mixtour Pro. This hybrid setup works really well with the Mixtour since it doesn’t have jogwheels.

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on a note further for the Virtual Decks… would love to see craft and care put into further “immersion” for a DJ. To date, I’ve not seen better rich visuals, UI and UX (check how pull / distance of hand to knobs allow for fine tuning) as seen in Synthspace VR

These visuals for Synthspace VR were done within the Unity Game engine (I believe Djay is built in the same engine?)
Perhaps baked textures can be used for XR to retain that gloss realism…

It’s my belief that physical decks like two turntables are cost prohibitive and impractical and that’s what VR solves for.
being able to carry a Quest3, a dj2go2 touch and plugito a club’s house system or indeed… while on the go, and seeing two realistic Decks in VR /MR is something I’d never imagine… and yet here we are.

Wow. the times we live in! :beers:

Thanks for the info @dirrogate. Can you please create a new suggestion topic for this so I can share it with the dev team?

Also, this is what the Virtual Decks look like with the Mixtour Pro in hybrid mode.

Wow that looks very cool. Could you take that to an event as a set up?