midi learn on iPad

Nice! good to know jailbreaking is not required.

So did you just delete the stock mapping and then file share the new one ?

No it does not need to be jailbroken.

  1. Open iTunes.

  2. Click View > More > Apps from the menubar.

  3. Right Click the DJay app and then hit “show in finder”

  4. Rename the File extension to .zip instead of .ipa

  5. Extract Files.

  6. Navigate to the “Payload” folder, right click and “show package contents”

  7. Now navigate to the Midi Mappings folder.

  8. Delete the Default mapping you wish to remove.

  9. Re-zip the extracted main folder and remove old version.

  10. Re-name your new Zip it exactly as the old file was before (including extension)

  11. Remove the App from the Ipad / Phone manually.

  12. Sync Your Device apps with iTunes.


Running the video output via AirPlay / Apple TV is the only way I can’t think of overcoming that hurdle.

More info please ? What exactly is “not working” ?

Did you only re-zip the files inside the “djay 2 2.8.2” or did you zip the entire folder ? You should only be zipping the files NOT the containing folder (my wording was off first time round probably) and create an archive which you rename to djay 2 2.8.2.ipa.

The app wont open
The app wont transfer
The app wont recognize controller now
The app never recognized the controller and still doesn’t
What controller
What versions of iOS / iTunes / Win or Mac

Secondly you did not mention are you trying to load a mapping for an unsupported or supported controller ?

If its unsupported you only need to create your own mapping on the desktop version of the Djay, export it and share via iTunes Document sharing - no “hacking” required.

If its already supported controller, then I gather it works just fine, just not mapped to your liking ?

I did a test modifying and uploading on the latest version of iOS and iTunes and it still loaded fine still even with the modified midi files.

My Apologies - you do zip the entire folder.

This is how I did mine step-by-step


Zip the “djay 2 2.8.2” containing folder and you should be left with djay 2 2.8.2.zip. Just rename to .ipa - I made a mistake earlier, sorry was in a rush.

Just doing this twice to make sure I was right about the compressing and yes, it worked like a charm each time.

I’m using the same iOS, Same OS, same Itunes, Same Djay as you.

Oh, make sure you empty the old version from trash before opening iTunes as it will still read the old version from there rather than then new one!

Correct, just select that folder and it’ll zip up everything inside. Then it should require changing the extension - job done.

Screenshots again if you missed them.


You mean the Pad doesnt recognize or iTunes ? Are you removing the app from iTunes by any chance prior to editing it ? (you shouldn’t btw)

Honestly can’t think of any reason it would not work and someone else did get it working with pro :-S

I’m afraid I have no idea why its not working mate.

Could be something to do with the device itself, other apps installed either on your mac or pad perhaps ? - It works on the 3 iOS devices I own without any issue.

Hacks almost never work for 100% of people 100% of the time so you might be stuck with the stock mapping for now.

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Or just tell people how easy it is to share the mappings via the official FAQ. Why all the cloak and dagger ?

At this moment only unsupported controllers can use this method.

It was possible to re-map supported controllers up until 2 weeks ago, by extracting the app, removing the stock mapping and then syncing.

However apps are no longer synced via iTunes and now need to be downloaded on the iOS device directly with no modification possible.

Resolume or anything else even.

The raw power is there at this point in time which benchmarks on the iPhone faster than an i5 MacBook (which is perfectly capable of putting on a stunning visual show)- it really seems like a missed opportunity for someone.

Visual Clip selection and library thumbnail browsing is one of the areas where a touchscreen really interface shines and actually creates a solution for the user rather than just the “convenience” of a portable device which essentially is just acting only as a portable and powerful all-in-one PC in most cases (Djay included).

If you have the old version of iTunes theres a chance that You can get it working.

The newest version of iTunes does not download or sync apps anymore whatsoever.

It was mentioned by Apple that you’d need to download apps directly from the app store on the device itself or sync via iTunes backup (for up to 5 devices).

Unfortunatly this means you cannot Modify the .ipa files anymore prior to syncing to your pad/phone and the backup files cannot be modified either so using supported controllers actually cripples them somewhat.

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I didn’t realize apple released a Standalone updated version of iTunes for the very purpose of loading apps like this just 2 weeks ago. Thats the version you’ll need - make sure you backup and export the playlists somewhere prior to downgrading as the newer iTunes library will not load.

Mac version:

Windows 64 bit:

Windows 32 bit:

FYI - Unfortunately my downloaded apps disappeared as did document sharing from iTunes when I downgraded to 12.6.3.

It appears Im able to side-load custom apps with 12.6.3, but could not download new ones via app store or edit any old downloaded ones.

You can only do that if you DON’T have a supported controller.

Ironically its the supported ones that require more drama as the maps are already hard coded into the app.

I doubt there will be any movement from Algoriddim on this matter, and certainly not for Djay 2 at all. Maybe Djay Pro 2 if we were extremely lucky but somehow I don’t think that will happen either.

It was possible to extract the app package files on the old version of iTunes, delete the built in mappings and repackage.But since iTunes 11, its sadly become impossible since the app downloads are loaded on the iOS devices and not iTunes anymore (if you have an old version of iTunes it will possibly work).

What would be nice is if Algoriddim gave us an option of a “blank canvas” version of Djay that we could then simply load maps for any device (including supported ones) as required rather than the ones built in.

However that might open the issue of corporate agreements and I fear their reasoning into not currently supporting all controllers (or even admitting they can be used) on iOS is down to license agreements and what they are “allowed” to support or comment on. If you can load any mapping for any device, it negates the need of the (naive) consumer to only look at specific (sponsored) controllers for iOS use.

Basically - I would not hold my breath for any support with your mapping problems from them, and if you really want to map things as you desire you should perhaps look at an unsupported controller + powered hub instead as you will have more luck (and probably faster feedback from the community) should you run into problems.

The reasons I don’t see them allowing midi mapping or supporting it anytime soon.

First: (and also reasonably sure this is the reason you cant remap supported devices): I’m pretty sure you cannot modify the default App files in iOS due to sandboxing.

Second: They’ve never endorsed this method of mapping non-supported controllers - it works, but it was a forum user that found that it works (how I dont know).

Third: It opens up major support issues if people map things stupidly, they would need to deal with the fallout when sh1t goes wrong - that costs money.

Forth: Reloop or whoever else is creating supported devices would get less sales if its well publicized that third party controllers work just fine with an external hub folk would jump off the bandwagon.

Fifth: We’re back at second, major support issues if third party devices have USB issues with a hub for example, they would need to start supporting that user base.

Most of their current userbase who use an iPad do so as little more than a Toy, a cheap way to start DJ’ing. Those folks will buy a reloop controller because it works out-of-the-box and have no concept or requirement to map it any more than it already is by default.

If they do need that, they buy the desktop version and a laptop.

Their desktop version (which is awesome BTW) is a program i have never yet seen a “pro” DJ use however, despite it being IMHO far more Capable in many ways than Virtual DJ for example its still got the stigma as a “toy” by many.

Folk on this thread I fear are in the minority when it comes to the main user base of the Djay app.

So far … crickets on a 6 year old thread with the second highest vote count and second highest number of replies.

It would be nice if a representative from Algoriddim would chime in every so often with an update / downdate on it. Without that, speculation is all we have left.

Actaully I disagree somewhat with a blanket statement like that.

If anyone is looking to use Djay and map a supported controller - 100% agree look elsewhere - not worth the grief

However If you have an unsupported controller and Djay, getting it to work is really trivial and the mappings for oodles of controllers are all available online. Custom mapping is really a much nicer experience on the desktop anyhow that doing it in-app on the other DJ app (which I did run into issues with).

If its the app I believe you are referring to, it is for sure packed to the brim with features and I even bought it (twice!). However its severely lacking in other areas e.g. transpose is pretty bad and IMHO the interface (for the umteeth time) looks like it was developed by a developer, not a designer e.g. the music browser is absolutely horrible and its simply not very cpu friendly on an older device where Djay pro runs like butter even on a Gen 1 iPad mini.

It really boils down to the tools for the job and the guy using them. For me, I prefer a decent GUI, unsupported controller and a bit of tinkering.

But Serato has some real competition doesn’t it :wink: