Mixed In Key integration

I support intrgration of the greta software “Mixed In Key - MIK” to work with Djay Pro! has Algoriddim or MIK taken this idea up yet? I have seen the same idea suggested to MIK and I am doing the same

Any word on working with mixed in key. Djaypro would kill the game. 
 If we could get the option to transfer cue points over

Hi @Esau_Galindo,

Thanks for the post!

There is a similar thread entitled “Mixed In Key Integration” that I will merge this post into.

While we cannot currently speak on the possibility of Mixed In Key integration I will make sure to continue to pass along this feedback to our dev team for further review.

Have a wonderful day!


I don’t understand you guys can make stems for tracks but can’t transfer cue points???

Esau Galindo
PreciateU Softball

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DJpro AI needs to get with Mixed in key and fix the software issue it has instead of trying to its compatibility with gear. Having set Que points on track is a huge deal when DJing why not integrate with Mixed in key and fix this portion?

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hi there. when MIK analyses a track it can generate 8 cue points from where it thinks the crucial changes occur. there are options to output them for RekordBox, Traktor and Serato. see this screen.
if DJPro could import them it would be great but Im not sure if they are saved in metadata per track or in xml files for Traktor etc. thanks
Matt Black


Thanks, @Matt_Black, for sharing the additional details about MIK on this thread. And thanks to everyone else for your comments and votes for this feature request in djay. We’re continuing to push this request internally, and I’ll keep you all updated here with any news.


? I don’t u nderstand?

Still hoping DJpro and mixed in key would team up.

Mixed in key Intergration?

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I’ve noticed that requests and suggestions for Mixed in Key integration have been posted since 2015 with no movement on it at all. So I’m guessing that Algoriddim can’t reach the same kind of agreement with MIK that the likes of Serato, Traktor and Rekordbox can. Shame really.


stilll hoping for this will happen soon. if these two connected, the game will be over!! Its not a focus of Algoriddim. I think they should listen to customers that have been there from day one. this would be huge for djpro. they would get sop many more customers.


Still waiting!! And waiting and waiting

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Mixed In Key is simply the best it is at what it does.

Mixed in Key works w Rekordbox.
Mixed in Key works w Serato.
Mixed in Key works w Traktor.

And the lack of Mixed in Key integration in DJ Pro AI is the single reason that I havent 100% abandoned Serato. Depending on the scenario, sometimes using Serato is more advantageous because of the results of the Mixed In Key integration

Algoriddim staff? Come on y’all…this one is a no brainer and has a LOT of interest from your users as its currently #6 on the suggestions list in terms of how many people have viewed the topic: Suggestions - Algoriddim Community Forums

In the section at the bottom of their homepage that says

Top DJs and producers use Mixed In Key

I personally know one of the DJs listed ( and have met another ) and they both swear that they use it and are NOT paid to say that or paid to endorse it. And if its literally used by some of the best in the word?

Give Mixed In Key a call, Algoriddim team! You know you wanna : )

Note: Im not saying this to be hyper-critical or to hate on the DJ Pro AI software. Rather the opposite: Im saying this because it is one major area that keeps it from being #1 and I’d like to see DJ Pro AI reach God Mode / Its ultimate potential…


As someone with a Music Degree from a world-renowned school, I’m of two minds on this. or three.
1 - a bit of music theory and ear training can’t hurt a professional DJ (who needs software when you can think for yourself, right?)
2 - Technology is wonderful, and yes, it should all work together easily and naturally. but that’s not reality, so again, think for yourself/figure it out
3 - why isn’t this stuff embedded in the metadata already? maybe nobody’s thought of it yet…and you should go make millions with this idea

so I’ll wager that point 2 is the sticking point between algoriddim and the other company - from what I know of software devs, the good ones keep getting poached for better paying gigs because there are few enough of them out there to begin with AND that theres just no time to do new stuff when youre trying to keep your product working amidst the kinds of rapid change (people and technology) we’re talking about.

so what does that mean you should do? go get some music theory and ear training would be my go-to advice

if you choose door #3, all I ask is that you pay my djay and Tidal subscriptions in perpetuity, please :wink:


Hi All,

Thanks for your continued feedback on this thread! We can see this would be a very useful feature for many of you.

:bulb: Just to put it out there, if you haven’t done so already, you may want to reach out to Mixed In Key to request an implementation of support in djay on their side as well.

We appreciate your ongoing support and will continue to take it into consideration for future developments on our end. :pray:


Any updated for Mixed in key?

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Screw this. I did what MIK representative did and spoke to Algoriddim BUT I told them, rather waiting on MIK for years to implement their key functionality into platforms like Djay Pro or Engine OS (saying you support Traktor is like saying you support Nintendo 64) how about they just improve their detection algorithms (they are!) and how about they do their own cue point analysis so I don’t bother with MIK bugg ass software and lack of updates ever again. Bye bye.

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Just generally here, I’d be interested in this feature. Particularly being able to see the energy levels of tracks and, as has been suggested by others, the cue points would be super useful too,

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You should be able to see the cue points if you export them as Serato. In my opinion, they’re not very useful, though :person_shrugging:

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