Mixstream Pro Support

whow you’re the king : i confirm this also works with the Prime Go controller !!!
you’ve just opened a new era with Djay and the Prime controllers , congrats!!!
(i’ve just tried the jogwheel settings, not yet the vu meters :slight_smile: )

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Can anyone please share any mapping file?
The first link not working.:confused:
Thanks in advance.


Since Traktor Pro died I‘ve purchased a Mixstream Pro+

A native Mapping for this device would be shamashing. +1

Hello everyone it’s been a while now but I am finally allowed to upload my good old midi mapping. I haven’t used it in a while but at least I can upload it now for anyone to use. If something isn’t working please let me know and I’ll try to fix it asap.

Please refer to my post from June '22 as a reference guide of the mapping.

MIXSTREAM PRO.djayMidiMapping (25.0 KB)


Could you please tell me what has been mapped and what still cant be mapped? Thanks

Hello @maurizio_T , nothing has changed from the explanation of the mapping posted back in June '22.
What cannot be mapped, as far as my knowledge goes, are the different options for the performance pads. Setting either hot cue, saved loop, auto loop or roll will not change the midi notes output of the underlying performance pads.
This issue could be avoided if djay pro could change behavior of the performance pads based on the selected option, therefore, if, for example note CC55 is performance pad 1 (which is not, I’m just using a random example), it should be interpreted as either HOT CUE A, SAVED LOOP A, AUTO LOOP A or ROLL A based on the selected option (I have no clue if Djay Pro AI allows such custom mapping natively).

I would say this is a huge limitation in MIDI mapping or at least, I feel like it is. I have tried solving this by my own but gave up, it is not really made clear anywhere, not even in the Midi Learn section if such mapping can be done or not. @NathanielAlgo @Slak_Jaw does the Midi Learn feature allow this type of “hybrid” mapping?

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Thanks for the reply, So that I understood correctly, when you press the Hot Cue, Loop and Roll buttons, there is no midi reaction for that?
Does the Bank button work?

Is there any way to use it with the Numark Mixstream Pro Go?

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I saw the latest update on controller support excludes the Mixstream. Just adding my +1 for support here :crossed_fingers:t3:


This mapping only works on IOS ?

Any updates on when there’ll be support for the numark mixstream pro?

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Come on guys, can we get some official support for the Mixstream Pro? Hammer it out in a few days and let’s go!!

Hi everyone,

We’re happy to announce that in today’s v5.2 update for djay on Mac, iOS, and Windows, the Mixstream Pro is now supported.

For more information, please click the link below.

Have a nice day!


It would be really groovy if you could get the DJay Pro interface to appear on the display - but I think that will probably remain a dream.

Please tell me how to set it to MIXSTREAM PRO GO


Hi @samura1, the Mixstream Pro Go is not currently supported. You can vote to add this hardware in the linked topic below:

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HI @Slak_jaw The only difference between PRO and PROGO is the presence or absence of a built-in battery. I’m very disappointed that PROGO is not supported in this update.

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Support for this hardware on macOS, Windows and iOS was added in a recent djay update.

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