Mixstream Pro Support

Are there any plans to support the Numark Mixstream Pro? I like the concept of the device, but I prefer to work with Djay Pro than EngineOS. Optimal would be of course a Djay Edition of the Mixstream Pro, where your software is already integrated … :wink:


Thanks for requesting support for the Numark Mixstream Pro. I’ve shared this request internally with the team.
It would be great if the rest of the Community could vote/comment on this thread if you guys also want to see this controller natively supported on djay. :ballot_box:


I would love to see it supported.


Yes we need this ASAP my mixstream pro is essentially useless with Djay pro AI, the button mapping is a pain


Is there a way someone can send me a configuration


Is there any plans for djay on Numark mixstream pro.
And if so how long do we have to wait.
Please say it gone happens.


Yes, please support the Mixstream Pro!


I have created a midi map for the mixstream pro, I hope tho that algoriddim developers create a map that takes full capability of the controller.
Unfortunately not everything that i have mapped works as it should but it is still very much usable, I will make a list with what works and what doesn’t work with this mapping:
Everything listed under this work with the correct midi outputs for the lights to light up correctly

What works:

  • Jog wheels with touch-sensitive controls included
  • Slip mode (scratch) / SYNC / PLAY/PAUSE (Shifted options with these buttons have not been mapped)
  • 4 Hot cues (holding shift and tapping the desired hot cue will delete it)
  • Filter / bass / mid / high / gain / mix/cue / cue volume knobs
  • Cue button
  • Crossfader / deck line / tempo pitch faders
  • Back / navigate (knob) / load track / view buttons

What works but has been mapped to my requirements:

  • Pitch bend ( - ) will loop in
  • Pitch bend (+) will loop out and if retapped will turn the loop off
  • Shift + Pitch bend (-) will loop half
  • Shift + Pitch bend (+) will loop double
  • By holding shift and moving the filter knob it will relatively adjust the parameter for the 3 effects
  • Pressing echo will activate fx 1, flanger will activate fx2 & delay will activate fx3
  • Record and options button (under filter knobs) will turn on key lock
  • Cue will beat jump backward
  • Roll will beat jump forward
  • Saved loop will half the skip duration
  • Auto loop will double the skip duration
    What doesn’t work (or at least as it should):
  • Main screen won’t display an image of the tracks nor GUI (wasn’t possible for me to create one I am not an Algoriddim developer, but wish I was :))
  • Booth speakers won’t output sound (djay pro doesn’t support multiple interfaces for cueing, only one could have been selected, but you can change this in settings by selecting ch 5-6 but your headphones cue will be replaced with the front speakers)
  • Jog seek (wasn’t able to map sorry)

Hope whoever uses this temporarily can enjoy Algorridim’s wonderful software.

P.s. since I can’t uplaod anything bcs I am new user ( :frowning: ) I have uploaded the mapping here: WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free


We need to have AI support for the Numark Mixstream Pro. Need it ASAP!!


Yes I would hope that at one point it would support the mixstream pro, especially now that other software is working with it like VDJ, gives me hope that it is now possible


I too strongly hope Mixstream Pro will be supported by djay pro AI!


“bump” lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


Is this mapping still available? Thanks!


Do you have a new link buddy? Wentransfernisnexpired


Sorry for my absence, but I am still not able to upload this file on the forum since the site tells me that I’m a new user and I can’t upload files, which forces me to upload it on some other website and post the link.
This mapping was made a few months ago by me and it may have some problems since the controller has been updated so far to more recent versions. For any doubt regarding the mapping please consider my previous answer (June '22). :smile:

Link to mapping: WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free


Hi everyone,

Thanks for all of the feedback regarding this controller as of late. Thank you to @Piega_dj as well for creating and sharing that custom MIDI mapping.

I will pass this along to our dev team again for continued review and update this thread as new information comes in. Have a nice day!


Voting for this request!


YES Please!!!
Supporting the Mixstream Pr0 would be perfect, I LOVE the device!

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I would also like to express once again the desire to support the Mixstream Pro series, especially now that the Mixstream Pro Go has been released. Basically I like to work with Djay Pro AI and most of all I would like to see Djay Pro AI directly integrated into such a standalone device (“Djay Edition”). So you could prepare songs and playlists with the iPhone or iPad and also try them out on the mobile device already directly in the mix, synchronize the settings in the best case via the cloud with the controller and then start right away, as it is now possible with the new Rekordbox app and compatible devices. But maybe that is also a bit high … nevertheless, I believe that I am not alone with this desire.


just bought a mixstream pro
any news about djay support?

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