MixTour Pro – Seek function : 1 click = 1 bar ?

Hello ! I actually found this question related to the old Mixtour here (djay Pro & iPad & reloop Mixtour -- Search/Seek function & Cue Points) but the topic is from 2016 and is locked. I love my Mixtour Pro, a powerhouse in such a small unit, I was wondering why when you « seek » inside the track using the knob, it only jumps 3-ish beats instead of 4. If I’m at a drop or a chorus and want to move back 8 or 16 bars to set up a cue point for instance (pretty standard use case), when I seek back eight or sixteen clicks, it ever so slightly moves so that by 16 clicks, i’m not 16 bars earlier precisely (more like 15-ish) (don’t know if I’m being clear)

I don’t know why it was set up like this instead of a nice round « 1 click = 1 bar » haha. But just a suggestion that would make life easier since it is one of the star controllers of the latest 5.2 update.


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  • Device model (e.g. 2020 iPad Air 4th Gen): iPad Pro M4
  • Version of operating system (e.g. macOS 14.4.1): iPad OS18
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.1.2): 5.2
  • Hardware/controllers used (e.g. Reloop Mixon 8 Pro): MixTour Pro

Your question/suggestion/feedback:

Seek is not designed for this. What you describe can be better achieved with Beat Jump. On earlier product images of the Mixtour Pro, you can see that this was once intended as a pad mode, where Saved Loops is now. But if you don’t use that, you can simply reassign it with Beat Jump. Maybe that will help you.

I’m not sure what’s going on, but mine is a rock solid 4 beats.

Edit: It’s not quantized though, maybe that’s what you mean? So it doesn’t wait for a nice round beat: it jumps whenever you turn the knob.

@jeangui on my Mixtour Pro, I changed the mapping from Seek to Skip. Then SHIFT+Browse Encoder changes the Skip Duration.

Master mapper.

Isn’t that combo used for switching libraries or something by default?