Multiple MIDI devices on Djay iOS

Hello there, had a look for similar post before starting this topic but didn’t find something to help me. If the argument is doubled please transfer me to the right discussion.
I do live gig with Djay on iPad Pro M1 (latest iOS) and controller Pioneer DDJ-RX, set on external mixing. Neural and Looper levels successfully mapped.
All work flawlessly, great setup.

Now to do even better I’d like to map singular Looper instruments levels but the controller hasn’t enough slider or knob. I’ve found the Korg nanoKONTROL Studio just perfect for the purpose, it has 8 sliders and knobs and various other keys to Map, can be connected via Bluetooth or USB and is supported natively by iOS.
Now the question is, before to buy it, will I see the second device on midi setting?
I’ve seen that Djay for Mac supports multiples midi devices, is this the same for iOS version?

Really hope so.

Thanks in advance for your time.


Hi there @_it,

As far as I know iOS supports multiple midi controllers the same as the Mac version.

This post back in January specifically mentions iOS and the iPadOS will do the same.

You will need an external powered usb c hub to allow two connections and still be able to charge the iPad at the same time.

Something like this will do the job nicely.

Hope that helps a bit.


S :+1:t2:

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i confirm djay ios also supports multiple midi devices
you can remap them into the midi settings section

Thanks much @sooteee ! Actually my Tunit iPad adapter is very similar and has two USB ports. It seems to works fine with Pioneer DDJ but someone suggest to change it for the original Apple adapter (just one USB).
I may try to connect Korg with Bluetooth. Hopefully will work, I can try to connect with cables using the Hub in case of latency anyway.
But the best news is that Djay iOS supports multi midi devices.
You make my day!! :wink:

Thanks! @JiPenade
I’ll try and will share results soon!

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