My Collection Filtering Options available on all Library Sources

On iOS I would like to have a browser with more filter and sorting options like sorting by year for example
An option for ±6% pitch would be nice as some controller pitch faders are not long
I think these suggestions wouldn’t be very difficult to implement
Thank you

Hi @Josemg, if you create your playlists within the My Collection source in djay, you have several additional Filter options. Filtering by Year is already available. Other than filtering by +/-6% Tempo, what other filters would you like to see added?

Thank you for your answer but I would like to sort by year in the entire collection not only in the playlists .
Regarding the tempo , I was meaning ±6% option in the preferences, now we only have ±8% and above

Hi @Josemg, so to clarify, you want the existing Filter options from My Collection to by available on all other music sources like Tidal, Beatport, Local Music, Apple Music, etc?

There’s already a suggestion topic for a 4% Tempo Range so, I recommend you go vote on that topic: 4% Tempo Option...

Yes, that would be nice , thank you!

You’re welcome. I have forwarded this to the dev team for consideration.

  • Device model iPad Pro 5th Gen/M1 12,9’ 512 GB 4G
  • Version of operating system (e.g. IOS 17.5): IOS 17.5.1
  • Version of djay (e.g. 5.1.7): 5.1.7
  • Hardware/controllers used (e.g. Pioneer DDJ SB3): n/a

I have a question on the iPad/IOS - Local Music’s filter options.

How come it doesn’t have ‘rating’, ‘released’, ‘year’ and ‘comment’ and other stuff like under My Collection or Files?

Hi @PoyTB, please use search before creating new topics. I have merged your new topic with this existing one. You can also use the vote button at the top left of this page to show your interest in adding this feature. Thanks!

Thanks for the merging. I actually did do the search before posting. But no result shows. I’ll try harder next time.

Thanks mate and voted.

You’re welcome @PoyTB. No problem!

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