Neural Mix On & Off Buttton

How about an On & Off Button For Neural Mix.

So we can turn it off when we want.

Sometimes I like to Mix several accapellas one after the other.

I hate having to turn on Neural Mix for Each song.

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There are a lot of Neural Mix MIDI commands that can be mapped. Which feature in particular did you want to turn On/Off?

  • there are EQ/Neural Mix knob mappings
  • you can also map the Neural Mix Solo and/or Mute buttons to the Pads
  • the new beat/drum loop Neural Mix commands are quite interesting to map as well
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Nueral Mix Settings turn off every time you load up a new song I want it to stay on until I want it off.

@MontyJoe to better understand you, are you saying for example:

  1. You have the vocals muted on Track 1 on Deck A, and when you load a new track on Deck A you want it to load with the vocals also muted?
  2. If you are using Neural Mix EQ controls and say the drums are turned off, you want them to remain off when you load the next song on that Deck?

If this is the case, then I think I can understand why someone would want this functionality. This would definitely need to be a separate option in the settings under General->SONG LOADING->Reset Neural Mix. Personally, I want the Neural Mix to always reset on song loading.

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There’s a workaround you can use:

  1. in Settings, make sure „Reset EQ, FX, Tempo“ is turned off (found in the General section)
  2. Set Neural Mix to be active instead of your regular EQ
  3. adjust the EQ as you want

This will persist even upon Song change. Hope that helps. :slight_smile:


That’s exactly what I’m talking about.

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Thanx Joe. I don’t like using my EQ buttons for Neural Mix.

A post was split to a new topic: Separate the “Reset EQ, FX, Tempo” Settings

Turning off EQ reset did. Not work.

Are you adjusting your Neural Mix via EQ? This only works if you now also use the EQ instead of other ways to engage Neural Mix.

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