New Reloop Mixtour Pro Hardware

I experienced the same thing regarding USB ports. Basically, you have to decide in advance if you want to connect an external power source or not. It would be great if the iOS socket could also power the device so you could connect a power supply later if needed.


Does anybody have a full list of what Pro features AREN’T unlocked by the Mixtour Pro? I find the list of unlocked features to be a little vague and I’d love some help understanding what FX aren’t included, or if custom playlists are still able to be made without a subscription. I saw Chris_R’s post about this but now that some people have had their hands on the Mixtour Pro for a little while I would love an updated list.

Hi @bogdalene, I don’t have an official list, but this is what I see when connecting a Mixtour Pro to an iPad.
Not unlocked are:

  • Looper Mode
  • One Deck Mode
  • Video Mode
  • All Sound FX except for the “Essentials” category
  • All Crossfader FX except for Fade and Filter
  • All Sample and Looper Packs except for the basics
  • Playlists: You cannot make Playlists in “My Collection”

I hope that helps.

Thanks so much @Slak_Jaw !!!

You’re welcome @bogdalene