New Reloop Mixtour Pro Hardware

Thanks for the quick review,
I also think that there would be to many muscle memory features for my liking,
I think they could have still made it compact yet a touch bigger with less reliance on Shift +

I have the Reloop Buddy as an initial back up and have used it a few times just for that bout I feel the build quality is on the cheaper side albeit the price point reflects that.

I recently picked up the Denon Prime Go and that I find is close to the perfect solution for compactness + build quality but obviously the price point isnā€™t on the cheaper side of thingsā€¦

I initially bought it to replace the Buddy as a back up to my Rane One but I have synced pared the Rane One and have been using the Go much more.


I have heard that some users complain about the Reloop Buddy that the headphone output is very noisy and that the master signal is also often covered with noise. Have you experienced this too? Another thing that bothers me is the fact that the Buddy only has a 2-band EQ. Iā€™m not yet sure how much the missing control for the mids will actually be noticeable in practice. :thinking:

I have heard the buzz in the headphones at times but it hasnā€™t affected the output.

I heavily mapped my Buddy to make it a 3 band Eq/3 band Neural mix
The Filter knob(which to be honest I personally donā€™t use as much) is the Low, although Shift + Low controls the Filter.
I also have the Loop encoder mapped to the Gain level with Shift + Loop encoder changing the loop value.

I have notched out the bottom of the iPad slot and threaded a usb cable though it so that I can use the IPad in the Vertical mode and have the cable hidden.

I use the filter too often for that ā€¦ Unfortunately, Djay Pro doesnā€™t offer the option of using a 2-band EQ (this could be worth implementing if there were controllers like the Buddy that are specially designed for this app). So my idea is to assign the High knob to the High EQ and the Mid EQ at the same time, so that both are controlled with it.
I havenā€™t had my hands on a Buddy yet, but Iā€™ll have a look at the controller in the next few days.


I rely on the Neural mix more than any other function these days, mainly because I play older Funk & Disco which arenā€™t know for great intros or outros and the Filter doesnā€™t really work as much with that style, but Shift + Low is easy enough to get used toā€¦

Try it out and see how you like it

This is one of the reasons I prefer the Reloop Ready over the Buddy. I mapped the Gain knobs to High EQ so Iā€™m able to continue using my Filters.

Iā€™m really hoping Reloop releases MK2 versions of the Ready and Buddy with the new audio interface from the Mixtour Pro.


Review from Crossfader

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Got mine last week, didnā€™t have much time to check it out yet. I can say the build quality of my device seems to be fine although the left and right paddle do feel a bit different. They both work as theyā€™re supposed to though. Sound quality is (as expected) miles better than both my old Mixtour and my Mixon 4.

For the Beatjumpers: out of the box you can use the browse knob and (deck) mode button to ā€˜browseā€™ the playing track. Although itā€™s not the same as jumping multiple bars at once, it does work fine if you want to jump back or forth in increments of 4 beats / a bar per click of the knobā€¦

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Thanks for the info @Mister_Tuur. I should finally be receiving my unit in about a week or so.

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The paddles on my unit are the same as in this video (6 minutes in).

I was wondering if you could tell me if it is possible to beatjump (Skip) and change beatjump (Skip) values with the controller?

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You can remap 4 or 8 pads to skip any number of beats I guess. Iā€™m not at home this week and I donā€™t have my stuff with me, so I canā€™t double check, but it should workā€¦

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No problem at all, you can select any pad mode and assign the performance pads in Djay Pro accordingly.

My Reloop Mixtour Pro just showed up and I have a question for those others with them:

Do your performance section pads have ANY noticeable ā€œclickā€ to them at all? My Sync, Play, etc. does, but the pads donā€™t.

That isnā€™t a problem but they seem to be quite tricky to actually reliably ā€œhitā€ - Iā€™ve pressed them a number of times now without activating them.

Hi @Siyfion, the performance pads on my Mixtour Pro do not click like the Play/Cue buttons.

Thatā€™s a relief! I guess that maybe theyā€™ll ā€œloosen upā€ a bit in time. That or I just need to be rough with them!

Saw a review on Thomann about the controller. Has anyone bought one yet? What is your opinion from using this controller?

After the release was often postponed by Reloop, expectations were very high. I ordered the controller because I wanted a portable setup that works with the iPad. I had the following problems: - FX paddle on the right was jammed - Button gaps very inaccurate - Generally poor workmanship - Connection to iPad via Lightning didnā€™t work - After contacting Reloop Support, I was sent a firmware update that didnā€™t work either Many problems can probably be solved with firmware updates or a new device, but I wasnā€™t convinced by the workmanship for the price. Iā€™d rather stick with my Xone K2 and continue to use the laptop.

Personally, Iā€™m still waiting for more user reviews and availability. The major Youtube influencers have given it a thumbs up, but I havenā€™t seen any enthusiastic reviews. Itā€™s gotten a pretty Luke (ha ha) warm response.

Iā€™m still getting one, but want to better understand the complaints about quality control with the paddles.

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Hi @Zirrex, I just received my Mixtour Pro last week and havenā€™t experienced any of the quality/build issues that others are describing.


Hi, I really enjoyed my first play with my Mixtour Pro which arrived today. A really lovely device that feels posh. No build/quality issues.

One thing that just struck me as weird though is in regards to the two USB ports. It forces you to commit to the type of powering you need from when you plug in and if you change your mind, you canā€™t without first disconnecting.

Exampleā€¦ you start your set, powering the unit from your phone and all is going well. However, an hour or so later you notice that your battery is low. Youā€™d like to think that simply plugging your mains into the other USB port would fix this and you could carry on seamlesslyā€¦ but no. The USB port you need for powering is the one your phone is already using, so you need to stop, move your phone into the other port and plug your mains into the first.

This is my only gripe. It just means you need to decide if your session is going to be a long one before you begin I guess. Not the end of the world but somewhat of a spontaneity killer.