Persistent Filters (currently they are constantly reset)

As a user I want my filter selections to be persistent for all in the source. If I set a bpm range or pick a title in a playlist and go to another playlist, I want those filters to be persistent. Currently they are always reset.

  • Steps:
  1. Select a playlist
  2. Set filter - bpm to 110-128
  3. Switch to another playlist (in a different folder).
  4. Select filter. Bpm is reset to default 110-120
  5. Go back to original playlist and all filter options have been reset.

Hi @ncianca,

Thank you for the suggestion!

I appreciate you including the steps to recreate your current dilemma as it will help us in getting a better understanding of how to implement a change like this to djay.

I will pass this along to our dev team for further review and update this thread with any additional information that we receive on this matter.

Have a great day!


When we set a filter in the playlist it should apply everywhere so we can mix based on what we set from our entire library. Having a filter just for 1 playlist is kind of pointless.

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Has this been answered at all to any more effect??

Hi all

I find it extremely frustrating having set a filter for BPM and key in the filter section for my current playlist only for it to be reset to default (110-120 and key of C) when I switch playlists.

The whole idea is to find songs which match across genres/playlists and this is an essential function. Otherwise may as well just sort the current playlist by BPM.



Made an account specifically to request this feature! This would be fantastic!

Hi everyone,

At this time we have not heard any formal news regarding this suggestion but we will update this thread accordingly as it comes in from the dev team.

Thanks so much!

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