Pioneer DDJ 400

infelizmente ainda nao funciona com a ddj400 !!

Gostei do sistema, porem fiquei triste pois tenho a ddj400 e nao posso usala pois nao exite suporte para a mesma ! epsero que consigam resolver essa questão, Pra mim e creio que para muitos djs, nao é conveniente ter que trocar de controladora cada vez q for usar um software diferente !
De qualquer forma estao de parabens pelo atual softwere que se corrigirem estes minimos detalhes consquistara o mescado como um todo ! gracias

I am going to buy this controller today and will buy the full version of Djay Pro for Windows if this is the case. But I’m going to test it in the store first, if it doesn’t work I’m moving on from this whole exercise. The only reason I’m even looking at this software is because of Spotify. If it still isn’t working everyone needs to go to spotify and yell that they’ve hitched their horse to the wrong cart.

Hey everyone, I just bought this controller and I can confirm it is working with full functionality on my HP Windows 10 laptop. I took my laptop to the store to test it and I was having some issues but I took it on faith that I could figure it out with some tinkering so I went ahead with buying the DDJ-400. I took it home and installed Rekordbox DJ which I think probably updated the drivers (tried to do that manually first but the Pioneer website says it’s automatic and there is no download). Once I did that and went back to Djay Pro it worked great.

Thank you algoriddim for listening to the community. Now to just get it working on my CDJ900s (of course those are 10 years old so I totally understand that being low on the priority list).

I cannot get the pre cue from the inactive deck to work with a Pioneer DDJ400 and DJPro on a PC running Windows 10. Everything else works great. HELP

No sound in headphones connected to the DDJ400 when cue from the inactive deck is selected…