Pioneer DDJ Rev5 support

Thanks for the feedback @Junior_Pops. I’ll be sharing news as soon as I can.

1 Like please share MIDI Mapping if you have fellas! im stuck


Help needed!!

Does anyone have a mapping file for the REV5 for Mac? If you do, please share it. I’m in a lot of trouble :sob::sob::sob:

Thank you so much!

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3-4 deck no work full, displey no work!
DDJ-REV5.djayMidiMapping (115.3 KB)

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Thank you very much!! I appreciate it :blush:

Hi everyone,

We’re happy to announce that in today’s v5.2 update for djay on Mac, iOS, and Windows, the REV5 is now supported.

For more information, please click the link below.

Have a nice day!


Anyone tried 5.2 yet with Rev 5? If so what are your thoughts with the mapping.

I think its pretty okay but,
2 big things what i noticed missing is:
-Autotransition wont work
-with serato you can map 6 different fx (for all those buttons) and they eork in both channel
Still not sure that this support is gamechanger back to Djay, but its peetty close!

There might be others too.

Otherwise very nice job from Algoriddim, more devices means more of us really can get to work with Djay.
Software is top notch atm :fire:

Hi can you elaborate on “auto transition won’t work” how do you mean. If you press select button and vocal melodic bass drum buttons you can change cross fader effects to non, filter, eq or echo I think there set too. Shift and select will change bar length. I’ve tweaked a few things like I can press blue stem button and let’s say vocal to split vocal stem across to another deck like serato. I’ve mapped secondary pads as well. The only thing I don’t have is piano play but as it stands it’s very close to serato mapping but better as it’s djay pro :sunglasses::sunglasses:

There is no autoBPM transition, when you hit that dedicated “play” button, and it fades out the song what you are playing, and you can’t choose will it fade out or not.

Would be nice if it would also work as that neural mix, so that deck could swap the bpm automatic, while you do some fx or something else at the same time :slight_smile:

But I don’t say this port is bad at all :slight_smile:

Just need more time to play with it ^^

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Isn’t the point of a transition though that it does fade out? You can change the fade out settings up to 8 bars. Shift and select changes the length. You also may have the cross fader effect on filter or echo. Try changing that press select and vocal button, that will change to no effect. See what happens then.

Point was that it doesn’t autoPBM :stuck_out_tongue: like from 128 - 140 Like what it suppose to do :slight_smile:
But yes, I will give it some time, just learned to use it with Serato. Serato is not is niche as a software like Djay. So it might be that I learn to live without it :slight_smile:

Do you have tempo blend tab pressed l?

Maaaan, this needs practice xD
Tons of features packed here! (again)
Thank you very much @Dysfunk_DJ
Patience is the key.

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Yes ! Rev5 support is now available !
Thanks to Algoriddim team !

Everything seems to be ok.
I noticed that stems buttons light is inverted compared to Serato, not a big deal, I will try to invert midi mapping.

My main concern is about the display which seems less accurate with my ipad air M1 than with my macbook air M2 on serato…

Anyone else noticed that difference ?


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Your welcome. You can if you want to map shift plus tap to toggle cross fader effects. Saves turning on and off by hand.

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Display seems spot on to me. I haven’t really used serato much as I don’t like it tbh. I only have 2015 MacBook Pro so I use my iPad Pro and iPhone 15. Seems good to me.

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Ok, thanks for your feedback.
I will try to compare ipad and macbook both with Djay.

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Thanks for all your help on this one @Dysfunk_DJ!

Hi there,

Same with both devices regarding cue marker display not following small and fast movement such as stab or military scratches.

I changed the wheel midi parameters to match my feeling but… it’s still less accurate than serato…
